Big Tech Meets With FBI, Homeland Security About 2020 Election Andrew Torba, September 5, 2019September 5, 2019 Share this: Big Tech is meeting with Big Government this week to discuss the 2020 election. The media is of course spinning this to make it about “muh Russia” when in reality we all know that it’s about controlling the narrative online, curbing free speech, and preventing Donald Trump from being reelected. Since 2016 we’ve seen every major voice that had an influence be shadowbanned, suspended, demonetized, or forced to self-censor. This election won’t be the same as the great meme war of 2016. Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter met on Wednesday with U.S. government officials to discuss their preparations for the 2020 election, Facebook’s head of cybersecurity policy Nathaniel Gleicher confirmed in a statement Thursday. The meeting took place at the Facebook’s headquarters in Menlo Park, California, Gleicher said. Agencies in attendance included the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. “Participants discussed their respective work, explored potential threats, and identified further steps to improve planning and coordination,” Gleicher said in the statement. “Specifically, attendees talked about how industry and government could improve how we share information and coordinate our response to better detect and deter threats.” “We always welcome the opportunity to spend time with our peer companies and the government agencies tasked with protecting the integrity of the 2020 election,” a Twitter spokesman told CNBC in a statement. “This is a joint effort in response to a shared threat, and we are committed to doing our part.” In 2016, the U.S. fell victim to a coordinated disinformation campaign by Russia across various social networks, including Facebook and Twitter. Since then, the companies have ramped up their efforts to thwart these orchestrated efforts by nation states. Most notably, Facebook set up a so-called war room ahead of the 2018 U.S. midterm elections. Google is investing in systems to detect phishing and hacking attempts, identify foreign interference on its platforms and protect candidates’ campaigns from digital attacks, said Richard Salgado, Google’s director of law enforcement and information security. “We will continue to monitor our platforms while sharing relevant information with law enforcement and industry peers,” Salgado said in a statement. “It is crucial that industry, law enforcement and others collaborate to prevent any threats to the integrity of our elections.”Source Big Tech big tech
Big Tech Tulsi And Trump Are Both Talking About Big Tech Censorship, Here is The Solution August 12, 2019August 19, 2019 Share this:Given the fact that Big Tech censorship and free speech online are two of the most important topics of the 2020 election cycle, I wanted to write to all of the candidates to propose a censorship-proof solution to Big Tech bias. One that puts a political campaign 100% in control of… Read More
Big Tech Negative Posts on Facebook Business Pages Outweigh Positive Posts 2 to 1 September 16, 2019September 16, 2019 Share this: Read More
Big Tech Trump Attempts To Overturn Ruling That Stops Him From Blocking People On Twitter August 25, 2019August 25, 2019 Share this: Read More