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Posts published in “Gab”

A Forged Warrant For My Arrest Is Going Viral Online

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As I sit down to write this, a convincing image (pictured above) is circulating all across the X, appearing to be a federal warrant for my arrest. When I first stumbled upon a network of anonymous accounts on X posting it this afternoon, it was news to me because I had not been arrested and I was not contacted by anyone in the US government about this.

Gab Celebrates 8 Years of Unwavering Commitment to Free Speech

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Gab’s 8th anniversary marks a significant milestone in the history of online free speech and the preservation of the First Amendment. Since its inception in August of 2016, Gab has consistently allowed for the expression of diverse political opinions and ideas, including those that have been deemed “unpopular” or “fringe” by mainstream media and social media platforms.

How Free Speech Platforms Can Survive

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Yesterday Elon Musk and X made a significant announcement that they have filed an antitrust lawsuit against the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM), the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA), and GARM members CVS Health, Mars, Orsted, and Unilever. This bold move is a direct consequence of their actions, which have cost X billions of dollars and severely impacted their ability to operate as a free speech platform. The video streaming platform Rumble has joined them and filed suit as well. 

Australian Government Threatens Gab With $500,000 Fine For Refusing To Censor Video

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This morning Gab received a notice from the Australian government threatening us with a fine of $500,000 for refusing to censor a video of the tragic attack at the Assyrian Christ The Good Shepherd Church in western Sydney. The video was posted by a Gab user and followed with a heartfelt message from Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, who was wounded in the attack. It’s worth mentioning that Meta and X, upon receiving similar requests from the Australian government, promptly complied by removing and censoring the video, while Gab alone remained steadfast in our opposition to censorship of the video.

Gab’s Response To The German Government’s Data Request

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Dear Gab Community,

I wanted to inform you about a recent development that underscores our unwavering commitment to free speech principles and the protection of our users’ privacy. We have just received a data request from the German government concerning a user who, back in 2022, made a comment that was deemed “offensive” by a German politician. This comment, which referred to the politician’s weight, has prompted the German government to demand that we hand over the user’s data so they can identify and potentially imprison them for up to five years. Yes, you read that correctly: the German government is demanding Gab user data over a two year old post that called a German politician fat. 

Introducing Gab Email Newsletter Ads: Reach Millions of Like-Minded People

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We are thrilled to announce the launch of our email newsletter ads, a game-changing opportunity for businesses and organizations that share our values to reach a massive audience of like-minded individuals. At Gab, we’re committed to building a parallel economy that empowers Christians and conservatives to take a stand against the woke, globalist agenda. Our email newsletter is a powerful tool that allows us to stay connected with our community, share important updates, and promote values-driven businesses that align with our mission.

Made in USA by Christians ✝️