Bold Christian Writing Wisdom From Above And The Christian Nationalist Ruler Andrew Isker, April 21, 2023 Share this:1 Samuel 29:1-11 by Pastor Andrew Isker Introduction Jesus Christ is the king of kings and ruler of this world. And He has brought His people into His kingdom to rule with Him. Believers are saved from sin, death, and hell, and saved to rule as kings under King Jesus…. Continue Reading
Christian Living Let’s Talk About It Guest Post, April 18, 2023 Share this:By Ferree Hardy, Plain Values “Oh, I don’t mean to be talking over and over about me,” worried the widow sitting next to me. “I don’t know why I find myself telling you all this.” I assured her she was fine. “It’s what I do. I let people talk to… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Christendom or Chaos Andrew Isker, April 13, 2023April 13, 2023 Share this:by Pastor Andrew Isker Recently there has been criticism of the idea of Christian Nationalism from some corners of ostensibly conservative evangelical church. For instance, Executive Vice President of G3 Ministries, Scott Aniol posted the following: Continue Reading
AI “How Many Fingers am I Holding Up?” Guest Post, April 11, 2023April 11, 2023 Share this:A Religious Ontology of AI by David Treebeard “After God, let us have our own conscience as our mentor and rule for all things, so that we may know which way the wind is blowing and set our sails accordingly.” –St. John Climacus, Ladder of Divine Ascent, Chapter 26.6 All… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing The Gospel Message of Transformation vs The Godless Message of Tolerance and Transitioning Andrew Torba, April 7, 2023April 7, 2023 Share this:Last week a member of the trans community unleashed a wave of devastation upon Christians in Nashville that ended the lives of six of our brothers and sisters in Christ including three young children. I noted in my last post on this subject how we must learn to hate evil… Continue Reading
Homesteading Confessions of a Steward — Carbon Economy Guest Post, April 4, 2023April 4, 2023 Share this:By Joel Salatin, Plain Values Five hundred years ago, North America produced more food than it does today. That should stir your imagination and make your heart race. Decades ago, as I was studying controlled livestock grazing, I was amazed that production per acre in wild systems exceeded production in… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing God’s Triumphant Warrior Destroys His Enemies Andrew Isker, April 4, 2023 Share this:Psalm 118 by Pastor Andrew Isker Introduction Psalm 118 is about Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem to do battle with Satan, sin, and death. But it is also about His people and the wars they fight. It is also a Psalm about you. Even though the Psalm finds its ultimate fulfillment… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Christians Must Learn To Hate Evil Again Andrew Torba, April 1, 2023April 1, 2023 Share this:As Christians we are called to stand firm in our faith even in the midst of turmoil and chaos of the world around us. Recent news of the horrific massacre of six Christians including three young children in Nashville, the news of President Trump’s sham indictment, and the conviction of… Continue Reading
Christian Living How To Go Rogue Guest Post, March 30, 2023March 30, 2023 Share this:by John Moody Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have the government show up at your door? To come to your business or your homestead? To your farm or your house? To shut you down or take your stuff or even arrest you? Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Being Winsome and Nice Won’t Cut It Anymore, Christian Andrew Isker, March 29, 2023May 7, 2024 Share this:by Pastor Andrew Isker On Monday, March 27, a woman who believed she was a man deliberately attacked a conservative Christian school in Nashville, murdering three nine-year-old children and three staff members. It was a deliberate terror attack by a transgender on Christians and their children. A 28-year-old woman named… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing You Cannot Come To God On Your Own Terms Andrew Isker, March 28, 2023March 28, 2023 Share this:1 Samuel 28 One of the most lamentable things about the contemporary American religious landscape is that faith is so often treated as a product that is peddled to consumers and not sincere faith in the God of the Bible. You can shut yourself off from what the Bible actually… Continue Reading
AI Smoke, Mirrors, and Fake News About AI fosco, March 22, 2023March 22, 2023 Share this:Written by: Fosco Marotto, CTO There used to be a meme where you’d start a sentence on a mobile phone that would suggest words above the keyboard, and you keep picking the middle suggestion until you completed a sentence. This was an admittedly simple AI, generating text, predicting what… Continue Reading