Christian Living Light People, an Obelisk, and The GTI Guest Post, March 22, 2023 Share this:Why Light People Marriage Must End In Gay Marriage by John Heers, of First Things Foundation First, before we dig into some heavy things, did you know that there is something called the Gay Travel Index? Here’s what this index does: It ranks the world’s nations for friendliness toward gay people…. Continue Reading
Christian Artisty Roots + Wings —Sprouting Wings Guest Post, March 21, 2023April 20, 2023 Share this:By Rory Feek, Plain Values Five years ago this month, I stood on a stage in Los Angeles and received a Grammy Award, alone. It was a bittersweet moment to be given such a prestigious accolade for music and a career that almost didn’t happen. Knowing what that moment meant,… Continue Reading
Free Speech The Regime’s War To Make Memes Illegal Andrew Isker, March 16, 2023March 17, 2023 Share this:by Pastor Andrew Isker The Regime is currently trying to put a man behind bars for ten years for making memes. The most important First Amendment case of our lifetimes is taking place, and many have no idea it is even happening. United States v. Douglass Mackey began this week and… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Training The Believer To Wield Power Andrew Isker, March 15, 2023March 24, 2023 Share this:1 Samuel 27 by Pastor Andrew Isker There is no topic more controversial within conservative Christianity today than the Christian’s relationship to political power. Many Christians believe it is the duty of the Christian to refuse to wield power, leaving it only in the hands of the wicked and godless…. Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing The Christian Nationalist Counter-Offensive Has Begun Andrew Isker, March 11, 2023 Share this:by Pastor Andrew Isker The Left is continuing to lose its mind when it comes to Christian Nationalism. American Christians, of which there are tens of millions, continue to grow stronger in their opposition to Leftism and Globalism. Despite the pessimism from many regarding the 2022 election, in many places,… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Maturity Is The Path To Power Andrew Isker, March 9, 2023March 10, 2023 Share this:by Pastor Andrew Isker Despite what popular culture says, power and authority are not evil. Power and authority simply are. Power can be wielded wisely or foolishly. Authority can be exercised faithfully or it can be abused. The Christian life is one in which rebels make war against their rightful… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing The Uncommon Act, the Moral Arc, and How We Should Consider Historical Figures Guest Post, March 7, 2023March 7, 2023 Share this:by ThinkingWest In recent years angry protesters across the United States have toppled several statues depicting historical figures from America’s past. Much of this anger is driven by outrage at the atrocities in which these historical figures were involved. Unfortunately, much of this anger has been targeted at individuals whose contribution… Continue Reading
Christian Living The Roundtable — Amish Insights on: Pride Guest Post, March 6, 2023 Share this:By: Jerry D. Miller, Plain Values Our human tendency is to want to be independent. We do not want to rely on others, but the irony of it is, God created us to be dependent on each other when he created a man and woman in the Garden of Eden…. Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Here I Stand Guest Post, March 4, 2023March 4, 2023 Share this:by Ryan Turnipseed For those who do not know recent Christian history, the last sixty years have been a dark, trying time for any true, historical Christianity. The Mainline Protestants, like the Methodists or the ELCA, have become apostates who zealously ordain women and homosexuals, push transgenderism, fund Marxism, and… Continue Reading
AI Why The Worldview of The People Building AI Matters Andrew Torba, March 3, 2023March 3, 2023 Share this:As I wrote in my last post, I believe it is absolutely essential that people understand who is building AI and what their worldviews and values are because they will inevitably and unavoidably be reflected in the AI’s programming. Worldview matters because worldview is going to shape the development of… Continue Reading
Christian Artisty The Jesus Revolution and Online Dissidents Andrew Isker, March 3, 2023 Share this:by Pastor Andrew Isker Spiritual revival is huge news lately. What is happening at Asbury University has been in the news for weeks. Is it real? Is it fake? Is it woke? Is it sincere? It is all anyone wants to talk about. It is self-evident that we are in… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Why David Had to Suffer To Be King Andrew Isker, February 28, 2023February 28, 2023 Share this:by Pastor Andrew Isker After the death of Samuel, the conflict between David and Saul has cooled, but David has other enemies to deal with. A man whom David protected, who owes allegiance to David, refused to supply him and his men, and as a king in waiting, he feels… Continue Reading