Parallel Economy Confessions of a Steward Guest Post, February 27, 2023February 27, 2023 Share this:The Creator’s Pattern By Joel Salatin, Plain Values In 1961 as our family looked out over this newly-acquired farm property with its rocks, gullies, and weeds, we needed a roadmap to healing. In our imagination, we could see fertile fields, filled-in gullies, and soil-covered rocks, but how to get there… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Martyrdom in Trashworld Andrew Isker, February 25, 2023February 25, 2023 Share this:The Psychological and Social Persecution of Christians in Current Year By Pastor Andrew Isker Most American Christians have been told their entire lives to be ready to give their lives for Jesus Christ. But the enemies of Christ in the modern globalist world are not going to feed you to… Continue Reading
AI Let The AI Arms Race Begin Andrew Torba, February 23, 2023February 24, 2023 Share this:Three days ago we launched our first of many upcoming generative AI tools on Gab called Gabby. The tool is going massively viral right now with hundreds of thousands of images being generated daily and no signs of slowing down. Think of it as an on-demand meme maker. You describe… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Climate Change, Elite Powers, and Christianity Guest Post, February 23, 2023 Share this:By Fr. Zechariah Lynch I remember back to my elementary school days in the 1980s, I had a sweet bowl-cut, knee-high socks – yes, white with colored stripes on the top – plaid shorts and a long underwear shirt under my tee-shirt. Yes, I was bold enough to mix plaid… Continue Reading
Christian Living Roots + Wings — Planting Roots Guest Post, February 20, 2023February 20, 2023 Share this:By Rory Feek, Plain Values January always feels like not only the beginning of a new year, but a new opportunity. To do things better, to be better. To do the thing you’ve always wanted to do. A chance for real and lasting change. The first few stories I’ll be… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing The Ecumenist “Orthodox” Guest Post, February 17, 2023February 17, 2023 Share this:The Birth of a New Religion, Part 4 by Archpriest John Whiteford For Part 1 see: The Pro-Abortion “Orthodox” (The Birth of a New Religion, Part 1) For Part 2 see: The Pro LGBTQP “Orthodox” (The Birth of a New Religion, Part 2) For Part 3 see: The Renovationist “Orthodox” (The Birth of… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Trust is the Currency of a Parallel Christian Society Andrew Isker, February 15, 2023March 9, 2023 Share this:1 Samuel: Parallel Christian Society in 1000 BC by Pastor Andrew Isker Saul’s war against David continues. Saul is the king of Israel, with a duty to defend his people, yet he makes war against his faithful lieutenant out of envy and paranoia. David does not fight back. Instead, David… Continue Reading
Christian Living Light People, Old World Marriage and Love Guest Post, February 14, 2023February 15, 2023 Share this:By John Heers, of First Things Foundation Alert: This month’s post is not about love as understood by people living on this side of the Victorian age. This article won’t make fans of the movie Titanic particularly happy, and few will want to sketch out paunchy heart-shaped doodles as they… Continue Reading
Christian Living What If We Would Build a Schoolhouse? Guest Post, February 13, 2023February 15, 2023 Share this:By Lisa Miller, Wife to Marlin, publisher of Plain Values Someone once told us, “If you are looking around hoping for someone to do something about something, maybe that person is you.” One size most certainly does not fit all for our family in many regards, so when it comes… Continue Reading
Go And Build Giving Little Ones with Special Needs Room to Bloom Guest Post, February 9, 2023February 9, 2023 Share this:By Marlin Miller, Publisher of Plain Values I began our first post with this question and a statement. “What do the Amish, little ones with special needs, two nonprofits, four adoptions, two one-room schoolhouses from the 1800’s and a monthly print magazine have to do with homesteading in 2023? It… Continue Reading
AI The Technological Age Collapse Andrew Isker, February 7, 2023February 7, 2023 Share this:By Pastor Andrew Isker If you are even the slightest bit aware of what is happening to our country, you have probably said something like, “it can’t go on like this forever, eventually there is going to be a collapse.” From an economic perspective, you instinctively know that, eventually, you… Continue Reading
Go And Build Confessions of a Steward—Beginnings Guest Post, February 6, 2023 Share this:By Joel Salatin, Plain Values Does God Care How I Farm? That question defines my life’s work and vision because it moves the visceral, practical decisions I make in my farming vocation to a place of sacredness and godly living. If God cares about physical and practical things in my… Continue Reading