This week the State of Ohio voted by a nearly ten-point margin to enshrine abortion as a constitutional right. Ohio is not a far-left blue state like California or New York, it is a conservative red state that Donald Trump won by almost the same margin in 2020. The results of this ballot amendment have shocked many in the pro-life movement.
Posts tagged as “Abortion”
On Tuesday, January 10, I testified to the Minnesota Senate Health and Human Services Committee, which was holding a hearing on SF 1, the very first piece of legislation from the new DFL Senate majority in Minnesota. For years, the Minnesota Senate was controlled by a Republican Majority thanks to the greater degree of representation the Minnesota Constitution affords rural and exurban counties. But thanks to the Minnesota GOP’s corruption and ineptitude (even exceeding their fellows at the Federal level), especially in the wake of Roe v. Wade being overturned, the DFL was able to easily lie their way to control of the entire Minnesota legislature.
The Birth of a New Religion, Part 1 by Archpriest John Whiteford In recent years, there are lines of division that not only show the…
An Orthodox Christian’s Perspective on Abortion
The leading cause of death in the United States – let alone the world – is not heart disease, lung cancer, alcoholism, or gun violence; it is the myriad methods of destruction of life in a mother’s womb collectively known as abortion. As I type this article nearly 100 babies are murdered before their first breath every hour in the US. That’s 286,034 souls lost since 2022 began and this number continues to increase. [1] That makes abortion a more violent killer than all wars fought throughout humanity’s history…combined. To paint this statistical atrocity with an even broader stroke, more than 73 million abortions are performed worldwide each year – this is likely an underestimate, however, as such a number has been reported by the WHO.[2]