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Posts tagged as “Enlightenment”

Race: Science or Fiction?

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by John Heers, First Things Foundation

I’ve just returned home from a trip to the Georgian Republic. I went there to visit one of our First Things Foundation field workers. His name is Oswald, a great guy. During my trip I was reminded by a Georgian friend that some of the oldest human remains have been found in Georgia. He told me the Caucuses is the original home of humanity. And that made me think about the word Caucasian, and the word race and all of that wondering has led to this month’s article. Let’s talk about race, shall we?

Evolution: The Greatest Story Ever Told?

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How evolution evolved from the minds of men…

by John Heers, First Things Foundation

In this edition of Heavy Things Done Lightly, the plan is to take a walk through history to discover something like antecedents. Where does Darwin’s evolutionary theory come from? Is it a scientific discovery, or is it a philosophical treatise, one many thousands of years in the making?

But first, a look at how clunky the theory of evolution is in this bifurcated world of ours. It’s a good place to start when trying to answer our question.

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