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Posts tagged as “Thomas Millary”

Divining the Dream Machine: Part 3

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Science-Fiction, Hollywood, and the Technology of Antichrist

by Thomas Millary

Weston’s Evolving Worldview

The worldview of sci-fi has spilled out from fiction into pop-intellectualism from the beginning. Father of the genre HG Wells was also a social critic, whose books such as The Open Conspiracy and The New World Order provided extensive arguments for a Fabian socialist ideal of global government, in which traditional religion and nation states are done away with and humanity is brought under the control of a benevolent scientific elite (whose rule would include population control).1 Such techno-utopianism is simply the flipside of the cosmic meaninglessness portrayed in Wells’ science-fiction literature, both indicating the displacing of God by the evolutionary process. The spirit of Wells is alive and well in contemporary figures such as Yuval Noah Harari, bestselling author of books such as Sapiens and Homo Deus, and the World Economic Forum’s favored public intellectual.

Divining the Dream Machine: Part 2

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Science-Fiction, Hollywood, and the Technology of Antichrist

by Thomas Millary

“The Art of Dreaming”

After decades of obsession with movies and pop-culture, Jasun Horsley realized that Hollywood is hell. His book “16 Maps of Hell: The Unraveling of Hollywood Superculture” documents numerous case studies of disturbing figures and events within the history of the entertainment industry, as well as the damage he personally accrued through buying into the Hollywood myth (including failed attempts to become a filmmaker himself, a failure that he is now thankful for). Underneath all these personal and historical examples of Hollywood darkness and deviance, he finds an underlying pathology, an explanation of how and why the film industry has played such a significant role in mass-dehumanization. Hollywood represents “an advanced alienation agenda.”1 “Simply put, both as individuals and as a collective, we have been lured—and lured ourselves—into a counterfeit reality, a dream world. Hollywood, as a place and a state of mind, is both a primary causal agency of this condition (over the past century), and a crucial (because visible) symptom of it. It is the equivalent of a metastasized tumor on the world psyche.”2

Divining the Dream Machine: Part 1

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Science-Fiction, Hollywood, and the Technology of Antichrist

by Thomas Millary

Sci-Fi and False Signs

In his seminal work, Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future, Fr. Seraphim Rose condemned “the spirit of science fiction.”1 His critique of that literary genre is found within the chapter “Signs from Heaven: An Orthodox Christian Understanding of UFOs.”2 Fr. Seraphim incisively argued that the so-called ‘UFO phenomenon’ would be a major component of the emerging religion of the future, the religion of Antichrist. By examining the descriptions of supposed ‘alien encounters’ and the beliefs of UFO enthusiasts, he demonstrated that an Orthodox perspective can only consider this phenomenon to be demonic. Before launching into this critique, he contextualized it by looking at the sector of pop-culture which had done the most work to prime society to accept outlandish spiritual beliefs about extraterrestrials. He turned to the popularity of science-fiction to answer the question “What were men prepared to see in the sky?”3

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