Gab’s Election Day Policies Andrew Torba, November 1, 2020November 19, 2020 Share this: Being that mainstream media propagandists keep reaching out to me for comment on Gab’s election day policies I thought it would be helpful if I wrote a post to let the world know how Gab will be handling the election and what our policies will be. While Facebook and Twitter are “fact-checking” (editorializing) election news and results, banning “hate speech,” and shutting down basic functionality of their applications to prevent people from speaking freely, Gab will be enabling the free flow of information on our platform. Gab’s election day policies are the same as our regular policies: any political speech that is protected by the first amendment of the United States is protected on Gab. Illegal and criminal activity, including threats of violence, is not allowed. That’s it. It’s really that simple. While Twitter plans to censor President Trump if he “claims an early victory” on election night, Gab will have all of the President’s posts backed up and uncensored. In the event that Facebook and Twitter censor the President’s victory speech, Gab will mass email the speech to millions of people and have it securely backed up on our site for the world to see. The time to get on Gab is right now. There is a massive wave of Big Tech censorship coming both during and after the election. Be prepared. Tell a friend to get on Gab where information flows freely and the people speak freely. God bless,Andrew TorbaCEO, Gab.comJesus is King Gab big techelectiongab
Free Speech The Regime’s War To Make Memes Illegal March 16, 2023March 17, 2023 Share this:by Pastor Andrew Isker The Regime is currently trying to put a man behind bars for ten years for making memes. The most important First Amendment case of our lifetimes is taking place, and many have no idea it is even happening. United States v. Douglass Mackey began this week and… Read More
Gab How To Survive In a Post-Truth World Of Chaos August 29, 2021 Share this:How can you think straight and make rational decisions when each and everyday you hear conflicting and contradictory information from “authoritative” sources? You can’t. No one can. That’s the whole point. That’s why the powers that be are doing this. Welcome to the secular hell of a post-truth world. Read More
Gab A Forged Warrant For My Arrest Is Going Viral Online September 6, 2024September 6, 2024 Share this:As I sit down to write this, a convincing image (pictured above) is circulating all across the X, appearing to be a federal warrant for my arrest. When I first stumbled upon a network of anonymous accounts on X posting it this afternoon, it was news to me because I… Read More