Brothers and Sisters,
For many Americans Christianity has become a rapidly deconstructed fragment of their actual identity. People refer to themselves as a “Christian” when asked about matters of faith, but you won’t find them openly proclaiming Christ as their central identity.
How many of us are living according to God’s Word and how many are living according to the ways of the world?
In my early twenties I was calling myself a Christian, but I was living a very worldly life. God came secondary to my career and worldly desires. I wasn’t attending church. I wasn’t reading my Bible. I wasn’t praying. What part of me was living a Christian life that could justify calling myself a Christian?
That all changed a few years ago when the Holy Spirit moved my heart closer to God. Starting and scaling Gab has been one of the most challenging and rewarding things I have ever done in my life. I can say with great confidence that without my faith Gab would not exist today. It would have failed many times over.
The more The Enemy attacked and persecuted me, the closer God drew me into His loving embrace. I started attending church, got married, became a father, and humbled myself as the worst of sinners before an Almighty God.
This is a trustworthy saying, worthy of full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst.
1 Timothy 1:15
This Palm Sunday I was baptized as we are commanded by Christ in Matthew 28:19. I invite you to watch my baptism and testimony here. I pray that it inspires even one soul to return to Christ and commit their lives to Him.
Unfortunately many American Christians have adopted a secular human worldview and are living lives similar to the way I was in my early twenties. They are embracing demonic critical theory and the “woke” gospel instead of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Instead of worshipping God, they worship idols in the form of celebrities, sports players, and politicians. They value material “stuff” over the fruits of the Spirit. They seek comfort and fleeting pleasure over the suffering and courage it takes to live an unapologetic and authentic Christian life. They are lukewarm Christians.
The time for lukewarm Christianity is over. Christians need to rise up and proclaim the name of Jesus Christ the King of Kings to the world. We are the supermajority in The West and despite the fear mongering that isn’t going to change anytime soon.
We are the ones establishing nuclear families. We are the ones bringing up our children to know and love the Lord. We are the ones building sovereign businesses and infrastructure. We are the ones with a future worth fighting for. We are reformers, builders, and pioneers.
The entire coalition of the demonic critical theory ideology is filled with self-centered atomized individuals who need Christ. They chose lust over love, greed over grace, and pride over humility. This never ends well and it will not survive the hourglass of history.
The Enemy’s current strongholds are in the education systems and in the culture. Their top objective is the indoctrination and conversion of your children to their demonic religion. The single most important thing we can do as Christian parents is to prevent that from happening.
The way we do that is by going all in, taking a leap of faith, and living fully for Christ. There’s no room or time for lukewarm. The Enemy is expecting and conditioning you to be lukewarm. When you are lukewarm you are vulnerable. Your children are vulnerable. Our country and indeed The West itself is vulnerable.
Cut the cable cord. Cancel Netflix. Delete your Big Tech accounts. If at all possible find a way to homeschool your children. If that is not possible make sure you are spending time in God’s Word daily. If your children are not raised to have a Biblical worldview the Enemy will most certainly see to it that they are raised with their demonic secular humanism worldview. What is the best way to raise up your children with a Biblical worldview? Live it yourself. Be the example.
It’s so important to not sink into despair right now. We serve the Creator of the Universe. Trust His Plan. Christians need to play the long game and we need to start being strategic about our plan to recapture the control of our countries. That begins with the end of lukewarm Christianity.
The tolerance of the generations before us has led to the subversive takeover of every facet of society and even the faith by the global elite. That does not mean that they cannot be defeated. I believe that God has a plan to do so, but it will take the organized, peaceful, and longterm commitment and effort of His people to accomplish this. We must never again tolerate evil and the spirit of the antichrist in our culture, governments, education systems, homes, and our own hearts.
Today on this Easter Sunday we remember the hope, grace, forgiveness, and salvation of our risen Savior. We will forge ahead into the darkness and be not afraid, for our God will always be victorious and our faith rests in the eternal life that awaits us in His Kingdom.
God bless you all and Happy Easter, He is risen!
Andrew Torba
Jesus is King