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Help Send A Message To Biden: Stop Killing Christians

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My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Last year on November 15th, 2021 the Biden approved the removal of Nigeria from the Countries of Particular Concern (CPC) list. The CPC list was established under the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 and Frank R Wolf International Religious Freedom Act of 2016. The criteria for the CPC list includes (1) Torture, (2) Prolonged detention without charge, (3) Forced disappearance, or (4) Flagrant denial of life, liberty, or security of purpose. Nigeria meets ALL of these criteria for their brutal treatment of Christians.

Nigeria is the most dangerous country in the world to be a Christian. Last year 4,650 Christians were martyred by Islamic terrorist groups and over 3,000 were kidnapped. 13,000 churches have been forced to close or have been destroyed and burned to the ground. Radical Muslim clerics have called for the immediately killing of any Christians who blasphemes, without exception, even if that person repents, stating that they should “kill now” and let “Allah sort it out.”

Christians that are kidnapped are often beaten, raped, sold as slaves and girls, typically young teenagers, have been forced to marry older Islamic men. Christians are often arrested on false charges of blasphemy while the Muslim persecutors of Christians are almost never charged.

No explanation was ever given as to why Nigeria was removed from the CPC by the Biden administration even though many have demanded to know why. All of this information was shocking to me. We must speak boldly and loudly about this atrocity and demand that Nigeria be placed back on the CPC list. Together we can and will make a difference in the lives of Christians who are being murdered for their faith.

When our friends at Revelation Media approached me about partnering up to create awareness of this issue and to help put pressure on the Biden administration to put Nigeria back on the CPC list it was a no-brainer for me. Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world and our brothers and sisters in Nigeria are literally being martyred for their faith in Jesus Christ. They need us to take a stand. We cannot, like President Biden, turn a blind eye to these atrocities. We must do everything we can to stop the killing.

We are calling this campaign “Stop Killing Christians.” We have two goals. First, we are aiming to collect 100,000+ signatures to petition the Biden administration to place Nigeria back on the CPC list. Next, we are looking to secure 1,000 donations of any amount to help support the legal fight and to create awareness of what is happening.

Please prayerfully consider adding your name to the petition and making a donation to help this important campaign. We want to send a loud message to Washington and the Biden administration in particular that we will not sit by and ignore what is happening to Christians in Nigeria.

Andrew Torba
Jesus Christ is King of kings

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