The Fall of the American Empire Andrew Isker, October 6, 2023 Share this: by Pastor Andrew Isker Something is coming. That is the general sense that I get from everyone I talk to who is even the least bit politically and culturally aware. “Something is coming.” “Something is going to happen soon.” For at least the last five years, everything has become increasingly and demonstrably unstable week after week. From the geopolitical situation in Ukraine to the efforts of the ruling regime to criminalize opposition to the regularly occurring crime and looting in large cities to the price of groceries and fuel that we all pay, the feeling of something big, some impending disaster is in the air. On top of this, the recent social media meme where women ask their husbands how often they think about the Roman Empire has renewed the public’s attention to the comparisons between Rome and America. Both began as republics and became world empires. Both had Caesars who transformed these republics into empires (Octavian, and President-for-life FDR, respectively). Both pacified their populations with bread and circuses. Both empires declined and were flooded with foreigners in their closing days. It is a good moment to review an article by Hillsdale lecturer Michael Anton written nearly two years ago. In that article, he compared and contrasted America with Rome, and concluded that despite the obvious parallels so many point to, the dissimilarities between Rome and America point to a much more uncertain future. Anton points out several aspects of the American empire that have no historical precedent that we can look to for “a roadmap of where things go from here.” It is true that in the end Rome was invaded by tens of thousands of Goths, but the discontinuity here is what matters most. Anton points out three dissimilarities: First, like all civilizations that brought foreign peoples into their body politic, Rome assimilated them into Roman culture, language, society, and religion. It did not direct its people and incoming foreigners to view the heritage, history, and populace of Rome as evil, even after the empire converted to Christianity. Whereas in America, hatred of American history, heritage, and its people is pushed everywhere, particularly among recently arrived immigrants. In the 1990s, my state of Minnesota settled thousands of refugees from Somalia, housed, fed, clothed, and educated them, and one would grow up to represent Minnesota’s 5th District, and regularly declare that America is the most racist, misogynistic, and bigoted country on the planet. Ilhan Omar does not appear to be an outlier in this regard. Unlike previous influxes of immigrants in American history, there was no attempt to assimilate newcomers into Anglo-American cultural and political heritage, much less religion, and as Anton points out, any push to do so is immediately labeled “racist.” What emerges is massive factions of people who retain their ethnic identity and view all things through this lens, locking them into political conflict with the natural-born American populace. This lack of assimilation, unknown to history anywhere, is further unprecedented, Anton argues, because it is by design. Second, Anton writes: “[A]ssimilation works best among peoples with some common underlying similarity, whether political, linguistic, ethnic, religious, or cultural (preferably a combination of all these). Its effectiveness declines as the differences among the disparate peoples increase. Historically, the closer in the above categories an immigrant group was to founding-stock Americans, the more quickly and smoothly its members assimilated. American immigration policy and practice has drifted steadily away from prioritizing this practice. In particular, since the passage of the 1965 Immigration Act and the de facto (since the 1970s at least) non-enforcement of America’s borders and immigration laws, newcomers to America have become more and more distant—not just from existing Americans but from one another. America now takes in, and has been importing for more than fifty years, people from every part of the globe, of every faith, speaking every language. This, too, has never before happened in world history.” This is a point that is both entirely reasonable and totally forbidden to contemplate. If your goal in immigration is to actively facilitate a seamless assimilation of newcomers with the current population, political, linguistic, ethnic, religious, and cultural similarity between the two groups makes the process work better and faster. If Japan today wanted to import 20,000 people, it would be easier to incorporate them into the body politic if they came from Korea (even with centuries of conflict between the Koreans and Japanese) than it would immigrants from Somalia or Haiti. The fact that this makes so much sense is why it is absolutely forbidden to contemplate such an arrangement. Which makes one wonder, why? Why have people who are significantly more difficult (if not impossible) to assimilate been brought to these shores? It is almost as if there is an interest in promoting ethnic factionalism by our ruling class. Third, Anton points to the size of the immigrant wave beginning in 1965: Only fourteen countries today have total populations exceeding that figure. In 1965, there were just under two hundred million Americans. Today it is estimated that 333 million live within our borders. At least two-thirds of that growth has been immigrant-driven. This large of a migration wave, in so short a time, to one country, from so many different sources, has also never happened before in human history. That nearly one in three do not have a connection to this country that goes back more than one or two generations is something that has not happened to a great power in world history. Even if assimilation were the immigration priority of the ruling class (and it is not) to have an influx of so many people in so short a time would make that process impossible. It should be basic reasoning that adding so many new people to a group, that do not know the ways of life of that group and have every incentive to not adopt those ways of life will indelibly alter the whole. Anton cites none other than President Bill Clinton speaking to future elites at a commencement address to demonstrate this is absolutely by design: But now we are being tested again—by a new wave of immigration larger than any in a century, far more diverse than any in our history. Each year, nearly a million people come legally to America. Today, nearly one in ten people in America was born in another country; one in five schoolchildren are from immigrant families. Today, largely because of immigration, there is no majority race in Hawaii or Houston or New York City. Within five years there will be no majority race in our largest state, California. In a little more than fifty years, there will be no majority race in the United States [applause]. No other nation in history has gone through demographic change of this magnitude in so short a time. The reality is that there is an active, deliberate plan to replace the American population with hundreds of millions of foreigners, particularly those from the third world. Anton goes on in the article to describe more evidence of this phenomenon. It is so common to see the celebration of demographic replacement of Americans that to list them out would be an exercise in pedantry. Yet, if you do point them out, this will be labeled a “racist and anti-semitic conspiracy theory.” You are not allowed to bring up your own displacement except to celebrate it. Christian leaders will tell you that it is a duty of Christians to celebrate your own demographic replacement, because after all, “God cares about the sojourner and widow, and the church of Jesus Christ isn’t limited by borders, it is a global church.” They will also say things like “this is great! Instead of sending missionaries to foreign lands, the nations are coming to us to hear the gospel!” Meanwhile, the United States border has been overrun by millions, mostly from the third world, and the ruling Regime is actively facilitating this invasion. In my own state of Minnesota, in the relatively small city of Bemidji, closer to Canada than it is to the Twin Cities, illegal aliens are alleged to have abducted an 11-year-old girl and gang-raped her. The millions of people flooding into our country are not all here to commit unspeakable horrors upon the populace of this country. That is merely an added benefit for the sadists who rule over us. The main purpose is to provide a new population that will further secure their grip upon power over the current population which they hate. Our leaders, both political and ecclesiastical, are terrified to oppose this scheme. But the people whom they lead, especially the nearly 80 million Americans who voted for a man who—at the very least—spoke openly about this issue, are desperate for someone to take their side and stand for them. The conditions for a strong, popular leader to arise to oppose this regime remain intact. As the political situation continues to become more and more unstable, the likelihood that someone arises to pick up a “crown he found lying in the gutter” grows. But until that day comes, if it ever comes, there is much that can be done. So often you hear, even among those of us who truly get how bad things really are, “if it gets bad enough, people are going to wake up.” The most important thing now to understand is, after experiencing all that we have since 2020, there is never going to be a moment where the masses “wake up.” There certainly will be a few people here or there who will be shocked by the latest outrage and finally “get it.” But you cannot go through a years-long treason hoax including an impeachment, lockdowns, state-sponsored race riots, a farcically fraudulent election, mandatory vaccination, government-protected sexualization and genital mutilation of children, and a foreign invasion by millions of third-world, military-aged males and then finally be awakened by some other outrageous event. If that didn’t do it, literally nothing will. The propaganda, which has reinforced social pressure in every direction, is far too strong for most people. They have been steeped in it since their birth. You could inject an entire liter of red pill serum directly into their veins and they still will never leave the matrix—it is far too cozy and comfy in there and the steak tastes great. “Wow, that’s crazy. Catch the game last night?” I do not say these things to lead you to despair. On the contrary, if you are expecting the “masses to wake up,” you will eventually despair when it never happens. Instead, you should realize that you are not alone. There are millions of others who think like you do. There are millions of others who have the same goals you do—to not see your nation destroyed by people who hate you. It does not take persuading 50%+1 of the population to believe everything you do—that is a liberal, democratic delusion of civil society. Instead, what it takes is a dedicated vanguard to build the kind of institutions that will sustain our people for the dark days ahead. “Building institutions” does not mean you need to be a billionaire setting up think tanks and legal advocacy groups (but if you are, it doesn’t hurt!). It means starting with small local things and gathering people nearby who think like you do. This is to reform your local church or if reform is not possible plant one where you are; collaborate on homeschooling that could one day become a private Christian school; work with your county sheriff to organize volunteer civil defense for disaster relief, especially if disaster comes during riot season; organize young men to learn outdoor skills, hiking, fishing, physical fitness, and even the history they were never taught. There are so many things that can and must be done by our people, but you must not give in to the idea that some Deus Ex Machina will suddenly happen and everything will be fixed without you having to lift a finger. However the future shakes out, whether we are in for an immediate collapse, a decades-long decline, or centuries of oppression by a brutal, tyrannical Regime, you must devote yourself to building the things that will lead our people out and rebuild the nation and heritage that we love. Andrew Isker is the pastor of 4th Street Evangelical Church in Waseca, MN. He is a graduate of Minnesota State University and Greyfriar’s Hall Ministerial Training School, and he has served churches in Missouri, West Virginia, and Minnesota. He is the author (with Andrew Torba) of Christian Nationalism, and the author of the forthcoming book, The Boniface Option. Andrew, his wife Kara, and their five children reside in his hometown of Waseca, MN. He can be found on Gab @BonifaceOption. Bold Christian Writing Christian Nationalism American ChristianityAndrew IskerBoniface Option
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