Resurrection Sunday Mocked By The Antichrists Running The Biden White House Andrew Torba, March 30, 2024March 30, 2024 Share this: The Biden White House just announced a proclamation declaring this Sunday, Resurrection Sunday, as the “Transgender Day of Visibility.” This follows almost one year after a member of the trans community unleashed a wave of devastation upon Christians in Nashville that ended the lives of six of our brothers and sisters in Christ including three young children. As Christians it is vital for us to defend the truth of God’s Word amidst the world’s descent into chaos. The Bible contains the wisdom we require to navigate our lives. Gender distinctions are explicitly outlined by God, emphasizing the distinct roles men and women have in society and in the family. Genesis 1:27: “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Deuteronomy 22:5: “A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this.” Matthew 19:4-5: “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’?” Christians acknowledge that every person is a sinner and in need of salvation. No one is flawless, and we all grapple with various sins and imperfections. Nevertheless, we believe that through Jesus Christ, we can obtain forgiveness, healing, and transformation into new beings. Jesus can guide trans people in discovering their authentic identity and purpose. In John 10:10, Jesus declares, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Trans people frequently experience identity confusion and a sense of disconnection from their “true selves.” However, through a connection with Jesus, they can find their true identity as God’s children and lead a fulfilling life. We earnestly pray that they do so. Christians have spent the last week arguing during Holy Week about whether or not to say “Christ is King” because it might hurt a Jew’s feelings, meanwhile the Jews in the Biden White House are degrading Resurrection Sunday by declaring it a day of “trans visibility.” It’s time to get serious, Christian man. You need to stand up boldly against this evil by boldly proclaiming the Truth of what is going on. We cannot ignore reality and fail to proclaim the Truth because it hurts someone’s feelings, even our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Where did Transgender Day of Visibility come from you might ask? Well it was founded by Rachel Crandall-Crocker, a self-described “Jewish transgender lesbian with Tourette’s Syndrome.” These are the people and ideas that the Biden White House is elevating on Resurrection Sunday, the most Holy day of the year for Christians. This is what “Judeo-Christianity” looks like in practice. This is what happens when you let Zionists (Jewish nationalists) run your country. This is what happens when you tolerate evil. The fundamental battle and choice of our age is simple: are you are Christian or are you a Judeo-Christian? Are you a Christian Nationalist or are you a Zionist? Is your loyalty with Christ or is your loyalty with Christ-denying Jews? Those are the options for us as Christians. Battle lines are being drawn. You must understand what is going on here. This is a humiliation ritual. The antichrist Jews in the Biden White House are mocking Christians and more importantly mocking God and His Son Jesus Christ on the most Holy Resurrection Sunday. I’m not going to water down that truth, because you need to hear it. They want to push us into doing something stupid or violent. I encourage you not to take the bait. We will continue to boldly speak the truth about their wickedness, but we will do so in peace. The solution is not for us to do the foolish things they are trying to provoke us into doing. The solution is to play the long game, be fruitful and multiply, build, remain faithful, and continue to proclaim the Truth of God’s Word boldly. Make no mistake about it this will separate the wheat and the chaff in our churches. Expect it. I encourage those of you who know the truth to boldly proclaim it, come what may. I pray that the Lord will guide us and grant us the wisdom, courage, and discernment. Happy Resurrection Sunday. He is Risen, and nothing they say or do can change that fact. Andrew TorbaCEO, Gab.comJesus Christ is King Bold Christian Writing American Christianityandrew torba
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