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Posts published in “Bold Christian Writing”

The ATF, Anarcho-Tyranny, and Parallel Christian Society

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

On Friday, January 13, the ATF announced a new rule stating that stabilizing braces on what they had previously classified as “pistols” are now to be considered “short-barreled rifles.” Also, they must be registered as such by all manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and owners within 120 days or be charged with a felony. The apparent purpose of such a ruling is to punish the 40 million owners of such guns because they pose an electoral, political, and cultural threat to the ruling regime. And lest anyone be confused, the “ruling regime” does not mean the nominal head installed in the White House; it means the Permanent Government, of which the Administrative State is a major part, which includes the ATF.

My Battle Against Industrialized Infanticide

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

On Tuesday, January 10, I testified to the Minnesota Senate Health and Human Services Committee, which was holding a hearing on SF 1, the very first piece of legislation from the new DFL Senate majority in Minnesota. For years, the Minnesota Senate was controlled by a Republican Majority thanks to the greater degree of representation the Minnesota Constitution affords rural and exurban counties. But thanks to the Minnesota GOP’s corruption and ineptitude (even exceeding their fellows at the Federal level), especially in the wake of Roe v. Wade being overturned, the DFL was able to easily lie their way to control of the entire Minnesota legislature.

Your Work And Your Faith Are Not Separate

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Our men’s group at church is doing a study on the book Lies Men Believe And The Truth That Sets Them Free by Robert Wolgemuth. We were tasked with picking one of the lies to teach and give a testimony on. 

To start, I highly recommend the book. It’s a very easy read and you can jump around to the different lies you might be telling yourself right now to learn a lot. I scanned the list of lies and stumbled on lie number twenty-nine “my faith and my work are unrelated.” It sounded a lot like the lie that I was telling myself for many years when I started my first business and began my journey chasing fame and fortune in Silicon Valley. I knew this was the lie I would teach on. 

The Renovationist “Orthodox”

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The Birth of a New Religion, Part 3

by Archpriest John Whiteford

For Part 1, see: The Pro-Abortion “Orthodox” (The Birth of a New Religion, Part 1)

For Part 2, see: The Pro LGBTQP “Orthodox” (The Birth of a New Religion, Part 2)

Alexander Vvedensky, the last leader of the “Living Church”

Renovationists are people who see that the Church is out of sync with the modern world, and rather than conclude that the world needs to repent and come into line with the teachings of the Church, instead assume that the Church is what needs to be fixed. To them, the solution to this problem is to make the Church more like the world, rather than to make the world more like the Church.

Royal Saints And Roman Jews

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by Michael Witcoff

This article is a preview of Michael Witcoff’s upcoming book, scheduled to be published next year.

Let us analyze Jewish life in Christian Imperial Rome. More specifically, we will examine laws implemented by Royal Saints on the topic of Judaism from the rise of Emperor St. Constantine in the early 4th century to the 6th-century reign of Emperor St. Justinian. A brief introduction to the topic is necessary, as it’s not quite as simple as an Emperor’s decree taking immediate effect throughout the Roman Empire.

Welcome to the New Rome

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by Zman

Imagine you agree to play a game with someone and the first rule of the game is that your opponent sets the rules of the game and he can change the rules whenever he likes for any reason he likes. That would mean that no matter your mastery of the rules, you must always lose the game because your opponent will simply change the rules whenever necessary. You would spend all of your time learning rules that keep changing to put you at a disadvantage.

The Triumph of Christian Beauty

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by Arthur Kwon Lee

It’s been a little over six months since I announced the biblical painting series I’ve been working on. Currently I have completed number four out of twelve stories from the Old Testament in the studio, Creation, The Fall, Cain & Abel and The Flood.

I’ve called this series my magnum opus because I believe it is going to be some of my greatest work thus far. This body of work has the potential to revitalize Christian symbolism and aesthetics into the hearts and minds of those indulging in the mainstream, onto enemy territory, where the fight matters. It’s my goal to bring God into what has been traditionally regarded as the “secular field”, the art gallery and the fashion industry being hijacked by Satanic radicalism.

Finding Your Place

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by Fr. Stephen Freeman

Among the many things we desire, an important one is a “place to belong.” With the fragmentation of the extended family, and so much else, a growing number of people are becoming acutely aware that they do not “belong” anywhere. Our highly franchised suburban world often has the strange effect that places separated by miles (even states), all look the same, have the same stores, the same restaurants, and an overall sameness that only accentuates the sense of alienation in that it “looks the same” but is “not ours.”

The Pro LGBTQP “Orthodox”

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The Birth of a New Religion, Part 2

by Archpriest John Whiteford

For Part 1, see The Pro-Abortion “Orthodox” (The Birth of a New Religion, Part 1)

The fact that today we have people openly promoting the LGBTQP agenda in the Orthodox Church is something that was unthinkable less than a dozen years ago. But here we are. They are a vocal minority to be sure, but like most leftists, they try to convince people that their opponents are the minority, and they are only motivated by hate.

The Beacons Are Lit: An Ode to White Boy Summer

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by Hamfast Gamgee

It was the best of times, it was the based of times. And then one day, for no reason at all, White Boy Summer called, and the tribes answered. Three words, one feeling. 

Well, maybe that’s not entirely accurate. White Boy Summer (WBS) invokes many feelings. For many folks, WBS is nothing more than a siren song for vainglorious rabble-rousers, angry white boys airing grievances, and nothing more. For others, WBS is a rebel yell — with memes.

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