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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

The Biden-Harris DOJ is Facilitating German Government Censorship of Gab, an American Company

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Dear Gab Community,

I write to you today with a heavy heart, as we face an unprecedented attack on our freedom of speech by a foreign nation. This week we received correspondence from the German government, threatening court proceedings against Gab for refusing to comply with their demands for censorship. This is a direct assault on our core values and the very principles upon which the United States was founded.


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by J.Pilgrim

I finally sorta-finished my greenhouse. It took eight trips to the homestead, spread over ten months, and cost roughly $4,000 out of the budgeted $3,000, without calculating fuel, food, and beer.

I say “sorta”, because I still need to reinforce the roof by turning beams into trusses, then level out the floor and put down plastic and gravel. While I’d made a note of the need for trusses on what passes for building plans, I had forgotten to have an offline version of those plans for the trip. I also need to double the number of roof purlins under the Lexan panels, according to those notes.

The Regime’s War To Make Memes Illegal

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

The Regime is currently trying to put a man behind bars for ten years for making memes. The most important First Amendment case of our lifetimes is taking place, and many have no idea it is even happening. 

United States v. Douglass Mackey began this week and is a major part of the Left’s war on free speech in America. Two days after Joe Biden took the oath of office, the Department of Justice charged Douglass Mackey with election interference for posting memes in 2016. Mackey is alleged to be the popular Twitter poster Ricky Vaughn, who shared memes instructing Hillary Clinton supporters to text in their vote rather than wait in line at their polling place.

2022: The Year The Parallel Economy Rises

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In 2021 we saw the unprecedented rise of medical tyranny, the abasement of the US dollar, and the beginnings of a new parallel Christian economy begin to form in response to this madness. Nearly a year ago back in February of 2021 I wrote about the need for us to build our own parallel economy. I spent the next ten months laying the groundwork for such a monumental task because I knew what was coming.

Alleged Data Breach – 26 February 2021

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Today we received an inquiry from reporters about an alleged data breach. We have searched high and low for chatter on the breach on the Internet and can find nothing. We can only presume the reporters, who write for a publication that has written many hit pieces on Gab in the past, are in direct contact with the hacker and are essentially assisting the hacker in his efforts to smear our business and hurt you, our users.

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