Bold Christian Writing Divining the Dream Machine: Part 1 Guest Post, November 27, 2023December 19, 2023 Share this:Science-Fiction, Hollywood, and the Technology of Antichrist by Thomas Millary Sci-Fi and False Signs In his seminal work, Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future, Fr. Seraphim Rose condemned “the spirit of science fiction.”1 His critique of that literary genre is found within the chapter “Signs from Heaven: An Orthodox… Continue Reading
Christian Living The Healing Land — Apples Guest Post, November 27, 2023November 28, 2023 Share this:by Shawn and Beth Dougherty, Plain Values A PLENTIFUL HARVEST The new apple trees in the orchard are bearing well this year, with russet and yellow-green fruit studding the young branches. In the convent orchard, some of the older trees are taking a sabbatical year. They will only produce a… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing It’s Never Over Andrew Isker, November 23, 2023November 27, 2023 Share this:by Pastor Andrew Isker A Handful of Christians with the Entire World Against Them Changed History The holiday of Thanksgiving is one of the last remaining aspects of traditional America that has survived the cultural revolution. For most Americans it is simply a part of normal life: a day off,… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing The Conquest of the Apostles Andrew Isker, November 21, 2023November 21, 2023 Share this:The Book of Acts as the New Testament Book of Joshua by Pastor Andrew Isker Introduction The Book of Acts or the Acts of the Apostles is the second book of Luke’s Gospel. Some people sort of treat it like an appendix to the gospel; “the really important stuff happened… Continue Reading
Big Tech Peter Thiel is Right About Atoms Guest Post, November 20, 2023 Share this:by David Gornoski To save the West, we must rethink what an atom is. That’s my vision. So you can understand my disaffection when yet another catty, confused dallier attempted to capture venture capitalist Peter Thiel’s worldview for the dying establishment media, this time in The Atlantic story: “Peter Thiel… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Just what IS Israel? Guest Post, November 17, 2023 Share this:The Relationship Between Christians and Jews by Ronald Dodson It is a question that is suddenly quite relevant, as the cyclical violence that has plagued the Levant has sparked again after the attack on Israel by Hamas on October 7th. It was a brutal move by the operative wing of… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Finding Fruitfulness in Faith: Lessons from the Barren Fig Tree Andrew Torba, November 13, 2023 Share this:The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree is found in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 13:6-9). This parable, told by Jesus, is about a man who had a fig tree planted in his vineyard. When he came looking for fruit on it and found none, he said to the keeper… Continue Reading
Christian Living Roots + Wings — Mountain Time Guest Post, November 10, 2023 Share this:By Rory Feek, Plain Values Most of the time when I’m writing this column, I’m in pretty much the same place. Sitting at the kitchen table in our farmhouse or at my desk in the milkhouse, with a view outside of the backfield and within earshot of Indy and the… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Abortion is the Sacrament of Trashworld Andrew Isker, November 8, 2023November 8, 2023 Share this:by Pastor Andrew Isker This week the State of Ohio voted by a nearly ten-point margin to enshrine abortion as a constitutional right. Ohio is not a far-left blue state like California or New York, it is a conservative red state that Donald Trump won by almost the same margin… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing The Church Is Israel Guest Post, November 6, 2023November 7, 2023 Share this:by TheUncreatedLight A common belief in some American Evangelical circles (not all) is that the nation state of Israel is the Israel spoken about in the Bible, these are the “true Israelites” so therefore it must be supported at all costs, etc. But does that align with the Bible? Who… Continue Reading
Homesteading Confessions of a Steward — Chicken Familiarity Guest Post, November 3, 2023 Share this:By Joel Salatin, Plain Values Thinking like an animal is not always easy, especially if you’re trying to think like a chicken. In this article, I want to dive into one of the single biggest tensions in raising farmstead egg-laying chickens, and it all stems from chicken psychology. Like all… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing The Church Situation In Ukraine Guest Post, October 31, 2023October 31, 2023 Share this:by TheUncreatedLight Since I get a plethora of questions from people are confused about Ukraine, the acronyms for the churches, what’s happening, etc. I have decided to make a full on explication that I can just reference to everyone who asks. This is not about the war itself between Russia… Continue Reading