Science-Fiction, Hollywood, and the Technology of Antichrist
by Thomas Millary
Weston’s Evolving Worldview
The worldview of sci-fi has spilled out from fiction into pop-intellectualism from the beginning. Father of the genre HG Wells was also a social critic, whose books such as The Open Conspiracy and The New World Order provided extensive arguments for a Fabian socialist ideal of global government, in which traditional religion and nation states are done away with and humanity is brought under the control of a benevolent scientific elite (whose rule would include population control).1 Such techno-utopianism is simply the flipside of the cosmic meaninglessness portrayed in Wells’ science-fiction literature, both indicating the displacing of God by the evolutionary process. The spirit of Wells is alive and well in contemporary figures such as Yuval Noah Harari, bestselling author of books such as Sapiens and Homo Deus, and the World Economic Forum’s favored public intellectual.