The internet is raging over France. Everybody has declared that it is a race war. This is it for the Frogs: the diversity immigrants have finally snapped; the incompatible Africans are finally being honest about their hatred of the White French and they’re burning down the country. It’s over this is the End. Well, if that’s the whole story then we have nothing to talk about. But I’m not that way inclined, I like stories. So, I’m joining the man who sat down calmly to eat a sandwich in the middle of a street battle to look at what’s happening to the collapsed imperial power – something I call the Vending Machine – of Europe known as the French Republic. All is not as it seems in the croissant utopia. It’s time to look at the French story over a sandwich.
Posts tagged as “Dragon Common Room”
We live in a planetary Art War. Want proof? Look at what is paraded in front of children in the name of Art in 2023. I am talking of course about the Drag Queens that have invaded public libraries across the Western Hemisphere. Why is this concept of drag queen “story time” so important to sexual revolutionaries? They seem to want to turn public spaces into the kindergartens of an androgynous cult. And it is a cult, as Russell Kirk would have defined it. Kirk outlined that the central cult practice of any group creates its culture, as worship informs the destiny of culture and civilization. For Apostolic Catholics, the central cult practice is the eucharistic liturgy as given by Saint Mark the Levite. We face the altar as Israelites and receive the story of our salvation in Christ, otherwise known as the Gospel. Yet the West has abandoned this Storytime for another cult promising its own good news of absolute freedom of expression.
Westerners live in a corporation, not in nations. We have flags, but we have no idea who we are anymore. Vending Machine People have been transplanted from our homelands into the corporate plantations of the Anglosphere and rebranded by Empire to fit into the compartment of a machine that dispenses artificial identities for convenience. MTV ethnogenesis turned us all into Americans singing and dancing our way through the destruction of ethnos inside the Magic Kingdom. Corporations profit from artists trying to resolve their identity crisis in the Western ‘videodrome’. And thanks to Critical Race Theory, they are polarizing the world in the process. Solve et Coagula.
By Rachel Fulton Brown and Kilts Khalfan
We live in dark times for Christian storytelling. Movies, television, comics, and games have all gone over to the dark side, serving the Lord of this World through dreams of power and subversion. We wanted to write a Christian story to combat the grooming and blasphemous worship of the seducers and baby-killers, while at the same time introducing children and their parents to the Light which the Enlightenment denied.