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Posts tagged as “Fr. John Whiteford”

The Renovationist “Orthodox”

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The Birth of a New Religion, Part 3

by Archpriest John Whiteford

For Part 1, see: The Pro-Abortion “Orthodox” (The Birth of a New Religion, Part 1)

For Part 2, see: The Pro LGBTQP “Orthodox” (The Birth of a New Religion, Part 2)

Alexander Vvedensky, the last leader of the “Living Church”

Renovationists are people who see that the Church is out of sync with the modern world, and rather than conclude that the world needs to repent and come into line with the teachings of the Church, instead assume that the Church is what needs to be fixed. To them, the solution to this problem is to make the Church more like the world, rather than to make the world more like the Church.

The Pro LGBTQP “Orthodox”

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The Birth of a New Religion, Part 2

by Archpriest John Whiteford

For Part 1, see The Pro-Abortion “Orthodox” (The Birth of a New Religion, Part 1)

The fact that today we have people openly promoting the LGBTQP agenda in the Orthodox Church is something that was unthinkable less than a dozen years ago. But here we are. They are a vocal minority to be sure, but like most leftists, they try to convince people that their opponents are the minority, and they are only motivated by hate.

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