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Posts tagged as “LGBTQP”

Light People, an Obelisk, and The GTI

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Why Light People Marriage Must End In Gay Marriage

by John Heers, of First Things Foundation

First, before we dig into some heavy things, did you know that there is something called the Gay Travel Index?

Here’s what this index does: It ranks the world’s nations for friendliness toward gay people. The index is published by The Advocate, an LGBTQ+-friendly magazine. They use certain criteria. Things like same-sex marriage prohibitions give your country a low score. Gay rights enshrined in law, like the right to adopt as same-sex couples, those things create a high score. The best score is a 10. The worst score is -14.

Do you know who scores very, very high on the Gay Travel Index (GTI)?

The Pro LGBTQP “Orthodox”

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The Birth of a New Religion, Part 2

by Archpriest John Whiteford

For Part 1, see The Pro-Abortion “Orthodox” (The Birth of a New Religion, Part 1)

The fact that today we have people openly promoting the LGBTQP agenda in the Orthodox Church is something that was unthinkable less than a dozen years ago. But here we are. They are a vocal minority to be sure, but like most leftists, they try to convince people that their opponents are the minority, and they are only motivated by hate.

The Cult of the Supreme Being

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by Defend Europa

On the 8th of June 1794, Maximilian Robespierre, a French revolutionary leader, descended from a man-made mountain in a festival procession at the Champ de Mars. It was the day of the festival for the “Cult of the Supreme Being”, a new religious holiday with a matching religion created almost solely by Robespierre to replace Christianity with something he felt more comfortable with. For all his revolutionary and iconoclastic zeal, Robespierre knew all too well that one could not remove God from the world without replacing Him with something else. This something else was a new religion he named: the “Cult of the Supreme Being”. To learn what this religion was about, we only need to read a part of the speech Robespierre gave that day;

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