When I started Gab, the free speech social network, back in August of 2016 I did so for a variety of reasons. I was living and working in Silicon Valley at the time and as a Christian Trump supporter being in one of the most radically far-left cities in the world left me feeling like the minority that I was while living there.
I saw how others treated me, blacklisting me for supporting a political candidate they didn’t like, and looking at me as the “other” for proclaiming my faith in Jesus Christ. My fear was that one day soon the nihilist, atheist, transhumanist tyrants and freaks in Silicon Valley would come for Christians. That day is now here.
Woke leftists are calling for statues of Jesus to be torn down.
Christians are being fired for posting Bible verses on social media.
Christians are being kicked out of places they rent for “liking” Charlie Kirk tweets.
They are being arrested for preaching the Gospel in the streets.
Pinterest is censoring Bible verses and Christian terms.
Christians in China who join Zoom calls for worship are later arrested by the CCP.
Are you paying attention yet, Christian?
They are coming for us. Just as communists always do.
You don’t need to be a Christian to be concerned about what is happening though. Big Tech tyranny must be stopped at all costs. The only way for that to happen is for us to exit their data silos and digital panopticons.
Thankfully God moved me to build what would become a digital Noah’s Ark of sorts, although I didn’t realize that at the time back in 2016. From the moment Gab launched it was attacked by every press publication on the planet. Gab was run by an outspoken Christian and Trump supporter, so it had to smeared and destroyed at all costs.
Let’s review the past week of internet censorship and Big Tech tyranny:
-The Federalist and Zerohedge were censored by Google
-TMZ removed their comment section to censor “hate speech”
-Gavin Mcinnes was banned from YouTube
-VDARE is losing their domain registrar
–Gab was blacklisted by Visa
-E Michael Jones had his books censored by Amazon
-Katie Hopkins was banned by Twitter
-@CarpeDonktum was banned by Twitter
-Trump’s tweet was censored by Twitter
Censorship and tech tyranny are accelerating so fast it’s difficult even for me to keep up. What I know is that Gab is growing. Gab is resilient. Gab has the battle scars to prove that we stand for free speech at all costs. Even when that means being banned by both app stores, hosting providers, dozens of third-party services, and even Visa.
As a Christian one of my most motivating factors for building Gab is to protect and preserve the ability to share the Gospel and openly talk about Jesus Christ online. I fear that one day very soon Gab will be the last place where this can happen.
Gab is not a Christian-only website, (we welcome everyone from all faiths to speak freely,) but it is run by a Christian who isn’t afraid to speak the Truth boldly. Gab also has plenty of atheists, pagans, and agnostics as well who simply want to speak freely away from Silicon Valley’s watchful eye and iron fist. We welcome everyone.
The time for Christians, and those who cherish liberty, to speak up and DO SOMETHING is now.
You can start by getting on Gab.
Andrew Torba
CEO, Gab.com
June 24th, 2020