The Parallel Society Andrew Torba, September 9, 2021June 7, 2022 Share this: I spent all of August working all hours of the day to help fight back against the medical tyranny going on around the world while also fighting off the slings and arrows of the Globalist American Empire who wasn’t too happy about it. At the end of July I published religious exemption documents in response to the overwhelming amount of private messages I received on Gab with people telling me that their school, workplace, and even our military would be forcing them to get inject an experimental vaccine into their body or lose everything. The documents went wildly viral, not only on Gab, but across the entire internet. This caught the attention of the Enemy, who swiftly began their usual tactics of defaming me for reminding people that they have religious liberty, bodily autonomy, and human rights. The first attack came from the New York Times and a Facebook-funded “research firm.” They claimed that by sharing religious exemption documents that I was spreading “misinformation.” Next the far-left blog New Republic did their best to smear me, but ended up making Gab look pretty based if you ask me. Finally, the far-left establishment activists at Media Matters said I was trying to “sabotage” vaccination efforts. All of these attacks made me double down on my position of educating and helping the public, especially my brothers and sisters in Christ, navigate the most tyrannical attack on freedom in recent memory. We created the No Vax Job Board group on Gab, which was a massive success and is leading to people finding new jobs without vaccine requirements. Then I published a religious exemption template for college students as they faced being kicked out of school at the start of the fall semester for refusing to be injected. I even sent an email (and encouraged others to do the same) to my own alma mater after learning that they were rejecting religious exemptions. Oh and in case you missed it, Congress sent a letter to Gab and we responded here. Needless to say, it was a busy month. We must do everything we can right now to peacefully protect our freedom by building a parallel society. It’s baffling to me how people do not recognize the urgency of the situation we are in. We have lost so much over the past 18 months and we will never get it back unless we start taking a stand right this second. That means putting in the work. You may need to find a new job. You may need to move. You may need to pull your children out of school. You may need to find a new doctor, a new church, a new everything. You may even have to show up at your local city council and school board meetings to let them have a piece of your mind. What does a parallel society look like? It looks like homeschooling your kids, turning off the television, deleting your Facebook account, reading your Bible, spending more time with your kids, moving to a better area near people who share your values, getting involved in local instead of national politics, finding a church that isn’t woke, supporting businesses who support your values, consuming content from people who share your values, and radically removing each and every last corrosive system of control and fear of the globohomo society from your life. It won’t be easy, nothing worthwhile is, but it can and is being done by so many people in your exact position. Let me ask you something: what is your freedom worth to you? To me it is worth everything. The freedom to worship in my church without permission from the State. The freedom to work without being forced to inject myself with a substance that I do not want in my body. The freedom to have a political opinion on the internet without being banned from banks and social networks. The freedom for my children to learn without having a disgusting and unhealthy dirty mask over their faces for eight hours a day and being told they are evil for their skin color. Are these freedoms worth making an effort to preserve and protect? Absolutely. If they are to you, you better start acting like it because no one is coming to save you. Not politicians. Not Presidents. Only Jesus Christ saves and God helps those who help themselves. Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in forced labor. Proverbs 12:24 We are faced with a choice as we undergo one of the most radical power plays in human history by the global elite. We can shut up, put on the mask, take the 4+ (and counting) vaccines, and be treated like cattle, or we can peacefully take action by exiting their entire system and forging our own path forward in a parallel economy, a parallel internet, and a parallel society. To God be the Glory,Andrew TorbaCEO, Gab.comOnly Jesus Saves Bold Christian Writing andrew torbagab
Bold Christian Writing Recovering the Christian Virtue of Intolerance July 3, 2023 Share this:by Pastor Andrew Isker Recently at the NYC Pride march, the crowd was observed chanting “we’re coming for your children.” Understandably and rightfully this has caused an uproar. Similarly, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, which included multiple level three sex offenders, made a video of the song “we’re coming… Read More
Bold Christian Writing The West is Burning November 11, 2021November 24, 2021 Share this:By Michael Foster and Bnonn Tennant Centuries ago, the walls of Jerusalem were broken down by Nebuchadnezzar, and its gates were burned with fire. When Nehemiah saw it, he wept. He wept because he knew that a city is protected by its walls, and guided by the men who sit… Read More
Bold Christian Writing The Conservative Case for The Great Replacement? January 28, 2023January 28, 2023 Share this:Answering the Normiecon Death Cult by Pastor Andrew Isker Yesterday, the editor of the Babylon Bee, Joel Berry, posted on social media his plan for saving America, import tens of millions of people from third-world, socialist, narco-states and just “assimilate them.” Read More