Jesus expected His students to become disciples. Messengers of His truth once He left to prepare our mansions. He didn’t want lifelong learners who refused to leave the classroom. And He still doesn’t.
Influenced by people we follow online, it’s time for us “regular joes” to step out. In faith, I’m taking that first action. My hope is that you’ll join me.
Toxic Masculinity Threatens Mainstream Creative Industry
Male influencers are wearing nail polish and dresses. An obvious tribute to society’s push for transgenderism. But at least Christian circles aren’t suffering from this plague. Right?
Well, not according to the musician Cory Asbury. You know, the one behind the extremely popular Reckless Love. “Jesus could care less what color your frickin nails are.” Sigh.
Despite the shrugging off by some Christians, God is clear on this issue. As He is with hanging an LGBT flag outside of your “church.” Fatherless boys are the first to be negatively influenced. But those with godly dad’s aren’t immune either.
Proverbs 28:1, “The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.”
God guides us to model certain behaviors, depending on which will give Him the most glory. Sometimes we’re called to be meek as sheep, other times it’s wise as serpents and gentle as doves (Matthew 10:16). But 2023 needs some big cats. I want to highlight a couple of artists embracing their roar.
Arthur Kwon Lee
I came across Arthur on Gab, inspired by his art series Blood and Fire Project. Which according to his website, is “devoted to spreading the aesthetic appreciation of masculinity.” Sounds pretty toxic to me! In fact, I now need a safe space.
Quickly making waves in the art world of New York City, the truth soon came out. He was a Christian conservative. The horror! And one unafraid to call out BLM and other demonic movements.
“It’s essentially a Satanic immersion, going into the art world.”
Taking a stand cost him: Galleries refused to show his work and He was shut out of mainstream art.
Undeterred, he sees an opportunity. To ditch the caricature of conservatives as “dorky, boring, suits and bow ties.”
Bryson Gray
During my prodigal son days, putrid rap filled me ears and thoughts. After recommitting my life to Christ, artists like Lecrae offered a healthier option. Until he supported abortion, looking just like the world. Enter Bryson Gray. A gifted verbal wordsmith who isn’t bashful about calling out sin.
Results: the most censored musical artist in America and shunned by conservative circles.
That last part would be confusing, except we know political actors on the right don’t align with moral Americans anymore. Scripture is woven throughout his songs, as are topics many pulpits won’t touch. Like homosexuality, abortion, and pedophilia. Bryson is also on Gab. Next, I’ll tie in creativity with the attributes of our Maker.
Conservative Artistic Expression Aligns With the Creator
I work in the creative industry as a freelance writer. While pursuing a marketing degree, I made a commitment. Not to use my gift for pushing products or services I didn’t believe in. But more importantly, to spread His name to the four corners of the internet. Gab has been such a huge blessing for me, encouraging me to not hold back and to ditch self-censorship. This is that first attempt and it won’t be the last.
Every form of creativity stems from our Creator:
- Music
- Art
- Writing
- Design
Our hands and voices were made to praise Him. This doesn’t stop when the workday starts. This leads us to discussing my new Bible hero, Baruch the scribe. Not exactly on many Christians “top five favorites,” he’s an absolute stud.
Jeremiah 36:4, “Then Jeremiah called Baruch the son of Neriah; and Baruch wrote on a scroll of a book, at the instruction of Jeremiah, all the words of the Lord which He had spoken to him.”
Continuing in verse 8, “And Baruch the son of Neriah did according to all that Jeremiah the prophet commanded him, reading from the book the words of the Lord in the Lord’s house.”
This faithful brother copied down Jeremiah’s unpopular message. Like most writers, he was surely happy to stay in the background, until the prophet made a request. “I’m kind of locked up here. How about you go to the temple and share with those who threw me in prison?”
The Bible doesn’t mention any protest, just that he stepped out boldly. I love that he feared God more than man. And he didn’t hide behind self-censorship within the greater Jewish culture. May we all be as fearless. Moving on, I’ll show how a shared mission is a shared voice.
Beating Censorship Through a Collective Voice
Now is the time for followers of the Way in these industries to unite. Because one man on an island feels alone. Even if there’s plenty of others thinking the same dispersed throughout said island.
The evil one wants us to believe that nobody else is standing tall. Because he fears a combined force of holy warriors. He knows our Savior has promised that even the gates of hell shall not prevail against us (Matthew 16:18).
Earthly minions trying to silence us online:
- Music industry
- Big Tech
- All shady governments
- Art gatekeepers
I’m reminded of Gavin Newsom banning “singing and chanting in places of worship” here in California during the Plandemic. And it’s how we can beat censorship in our careers and businesses. By linking shields to amplify our collective voice even louder this time.
Ways to do this:
- Strategic partnerships
- Financial support
- Word of mouth
- Mastermind groups
Combining Forces
Arthur Kwon Lee and Bryson Gray share a common goal, they just might not know it yet. My wife suggested that Arthur could provide custom artwork projected on a screen at one of Bryson’s concerts. Turning the show into both a visual and auditory experience.
This example took her all of seconds to come up with. Side note, my wife is legendary. Freelance creatives could also use the power of content marketing, adding a professional touch to websites and blogs of those with more reach. I leave additional brainstorming up to any of you more gifted in that area.
Parallel Economy Backing
Gift the music, art, and other creative works of these folks to your family and friends. Hang a painting in your home as a visible reminder to build the Parallel Economy. I’m adding items from small businesses on Gab to my home office for that very reason. Call it extra motivation when writer’s block sets in.
Paying more for a higher quality product or service isn’t always easy. People new to the concept of a Christian economy may find this a real hurdle. But trust me, your soul will be more at peace knowing woke corporations won’t get the funds. And by helping another brother or sister in Christ, you’re ultimately aiding your own ability to make money.
Because through our vocations, we’re all fighting for the freedom to support our families and practice our faith. Honor God and He will honor you before men.
Free Advertising
Everyone is a writer. If you type up emails, business reports, presentation notes, or Bible studies, welcome to the club. Now that you’re official, it’s time to work.
Don’t simply tell your wife how awesome individuals reclaiming culture are:
- Bring it up at the company picnic
- Create a blog and email it to your likeminded contacts
- Mention them after church during fellowship
- Post about it on social media
- Like, share, and comment on their content
Besides encouraging and strengthening your brother, it may lead to an open door. For your own career or business. Every man looks to great leaders for inspiration, such as a father or doctors pushing back against medical tyranny.
But I have news for you. If you’re married, you’re a spiritual leader. Even if you’re single, you likely have influence over others in your life.
Sit down with your son and share why an individual inspires you. And watch his admiration for you grow. As will his pursuit of other righteous examples to fire him up.
Effectiveness Through Ideation
The term “great minds think alike” is a plug for mastermind groups. This entails an assembling of peers in-person or virtually to mentor and help solve business problems. But it can also double as a time of sharpening each other like iron.
My last semester in college, I realized the benefit of such a group. Leading an interdisciplinary team, my approach to a real-world business problem was through the lens of marketing. A narrow lens.
By allowing other members to share their perspectives, our client received the best work. Because the final product addressed his issue from every possible angle. He was thrilled.
However, the real beauty lay in the weekly meetings. Removing roadblocks, talking through communication issues, or allowing a member to vent. These are what a valuable mastermind session looks like. Now, I’d like to suggest a practical way to supercharge a Christian economy.
Free Speech Conference Paving the Way
Satan hates when Christ’s children assemble. There’s the number one reason for the first Parallel Economy conference. Location TBD.
Testing the concept for traction could begin virtually using Gab Voice. Remote conferences have their limitations, but it’s a good place to start. With an eventual goal of physically coming together. Obviously, wolves will try to infiltrate the ranks. They can be screened out though.
- Invite only
- All communication via a private Gab group
- Paid entry (call it a donation)
- Cell phones left in cars or at hotels
- Only vetted media allowed in
Plus, if it takes place in an open carry state, most leftists will stay home. Because even pictures of guns keep them up at night. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
The networking alone could do wonders for lifting the spirits of small business America. By putting faces with branded Gab accounts. Event planning isn’t my specialty, but I’m sure there’s some in our online community. To conclude, I have a final charge for you heavenly soldiers.
Gab’s Role in Reclaiming Culture for Christ
Andrew Torba and the entire team have provided the technology. And displayed courage against the globalists. People like Arthur Kwon Lee and Bryson Gray have pushed back against culture.
Encouraging us to do the same. It’s time for us all to form an unbreakable human chain of resistance. For His glory and His alone.
The pen is truly mightier than the sword. This is also true for the paintbrush, microphone, or keyboard. Add them to the full armor of God and you have a formidable force.
We need to stop expecting others to be our mouthpiece. Whether they’re pastors, athletes, or actors. God gave us a unique voice.
And it was bestowed upon us with an expectation. That’d we use it. Even if we’re called names or told a topic is “political.”
Eric Metaxes’ book, “Letter to the American Church,” provides a more eloquent discussion on this, if you need another fire lit under your pants. But hopefully the Holy Spirit has already provided plenty of fuel.
Keep speaking freely because you are endowed with rights from God Almighty. Dare to be different. And let your life be an unparalleled masterpiece for generations to come. Because He lives in you, expect great things and they will come to fruition.
God bless you all my fellow warriors!

Elijah Shoesmith is a freelance content writer in the East Bay area outside of San Francisco, CA. Graduating from California State University San Marcos, he now applies his marketing degree to aiding small business America. And through his venture Elijah Wordsmith, he’s also raising awareness around holistic medicine. Elijah and his wife reside in gorgeous Contra Costa County and attend a Christ-following church. He can be found on Gab @shoes001.