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We Must Embrace Biblical Values in a Multicultural Egalitarian World

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In today’s world many Christians are told that embracing multicultural egalitarianism is a prerequisite for being a “good Christian.” This narrative is perpetuated by the media, the entertainment industry, and even some pastors who argue that Christians must adapt to the changing cultural landscape in order to remain relevant and compassionate. However, this notion is not only misguided but also incompatible with the teachings of the Bible. As Christians, we are called to uphold the Biblical worldview, which provides a solid foundation for understanding and navigating the complexities of our world.

Multiculturalism, as a concept, originated in the wake of the Enlightenment and the rise of secular humanism. It was a response to the growing awareness of cultural differences and the desire to create a more “inclusive society.” However, in its quest for inclusivity, multiculturalism often falls into the trap of moral and cultural relativism, asserting that there is no objective truth or morality, and that all beliefs and values are equally valid.

As Christians, we cannot accept this relativistic view of the world. Our faith is grounded in the belief in one objective truth, revealed to us through the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ. This truth transcends cultural boundaries and provides a moral compass that guides our lives and informs our interactions with others.

Contrary to the multiculturalist narrative, Christianity does not advocate for the eradication of cultural differences. Instead, it recognizes the inherent value of diverse cultures and traditions, while also emphasizing the importance of living in harmony with one another. Embracing a Biblical worldview is essential for Christians living in a multicultural society. It provides us with a framework for understanding and engaging with the world around us, while also helping us maintain our commitment to the truth and values of our faith.

Egalitarianism, the belief in the equality of all people, is a concept that has also gained significant traction in contemporary society. Many Christians, too, have been swayed by the egalitarian narrative, believing that it aligns with the teachings of Jesus Christ. However, a closer examination of the Bible reveals that egalitarianism is fundamentally at odds with the Christian worldview. 

The first reason why Christians must reject egalitarianism is that it denies the principle of hierarchy, which is a fundamental aspect of God’s created order. The Bible teaches us that God has established various forms of authority and hierarchy in both the natural world and human society. For example, the relationship between parents and children (Ephesians 6:1-3), the relationship between husbands and wives (Ephesians 5:22-24), and the relationship between rulers and citizens (Romans 13:1-7) all involve a hierarchical structure.

One of the primary reasons why egalitarianism is false on its face is that it denies the reality of human variation. God has created each person with unique talents, abilities, and characteristics that contribute to the rich tapestry of human life. Some people are endowed with exceptional intellect, while others possess remarkable artistic or athletic prowess. We are very clearly and obviously not equal in many ways. These differences are not only natural but also essential for the proper functioning of human society, as they enable individuals to fulfill their unique roles and contribute to the common good.

Egalitarianism, however, seeks to level all distinctions and eliminate any form of inequality. This is not only unrealistic but also contrary to the teachings of the Bible, which recognizes the importance of individual variation and the unique gifts that God has bestowed upon each person (1 Corinthians 12:4-7).

Another reason why Christians must reject egalitarianism is that it ignores the reality of human nature. The Bible teaches us that human beings are inherently sinful and in need of redemption (Romans 3:23). This understanding of human nature is essential for understanding the necessity of authority and hierarchy in human relationships, as it recognizes the potential for selfishness, abuse, and disorder in the absence of these structures.

Egalitarianism, however, assumes that human beings are inherently good and capable of governing themselves without the need for external authority. This optimistic view of human nature is not only naive but also ignores the Biblical understanding of the fallen state of humanity. Egalitarianism is false idol of our age that denies the reality of human variation, ignores the principle of hierarchy, undermines the principle of meritocracy, and fosters a culture of envy and resentment. 

Egalitarianism’s rejection of the Biblical understanding of the family unit not only weakens the foundation of human society but also contributes to the breakdown of the family and the erosion of moral values. Christians must reject egalitarianism as well as multiculturalism and instead embrace the Biblical understanding of human relationships and social order. By recognizing the importance of hierarchy and authority, acknowledging the reality of human nature, upholding the traditional family unit, and fostering a culture of contentment and gratitude, Christians can contribute to the creation of a more just, compassionate, and God-honoring society.

To God be the Glory,
Andrew Torba
Christ is King

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