A Pivotal Moment Andrew Torba, July 18, 2024July 18, 2024 Share this: On July 13th, 2024 our nation was shaken by the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. This event has sparked intense debate and discussion, forcing us to confront the divisions and animosity that have plagued our society. As Christians, we must seek to understand the spiritual implications of this moment and the role that the Holy Spirit plays in guiding our hearts and minds. In the wake of this tragic event, it is clear that the Holy Spirit is at work in the hearts of many. As we witness the outpouring of love, support, and prayer for President Trump and his family, we cannot deny the presence of God’s grace and compassion. This moment has served as a wake-up call for many, prompting us to reevaluate our priorities and seek a deeper understanding of our faith. As we navigate the aftermath of this event, it is essential to remain hopeful and optimistic about the future. We must trust in the power of the Holy Spirit to guide us through these challenging times and to work on the hearts of those around us. There are, at this very moment, tens of thousands of people posting online about how they are upset that the shooter missed. Many of them will gleefully show up in the pews on Sunday at their church with a rainbow flag flying out front and believe that they are righteous. We have a very deep spiritual rot in our country and it stems from a very deep spiritual rot in our churches. Whatever you think about Trump as a person, he is symbolic of all of us. When they say they wish the bullet hit him, they implicitly mean you and I too. We cannot have unity with these people until they repent and they must be rebuked. For the first time we are seeing people on the left pay the consequences for their endorsements of political violence. They are being fired from their jobs and rebuked online by thousands of people. Many on the right are having an open debate about this saying we shouldn’t embrace the cancel culture of the left. These people don’t know what time it is. We are at war. The time for playing nice is over. These wicked people spent the past eight years dragging my name through the mud, harassing and threatening my family including bomb threats on my parent’s house which resulted in the FBI showing up and the local elementary school being shut down. They got my business banned from banks, payment processors, app stores, hosting providers, and more which threatened my ability to provide for my wife and three children. So when you ask me if I care that they are now being fired from their jobs as a consequence for them wanting us dead my truthful and honest response is that them losing their jobs doesn’t go nearly far enough. While God asserts His sovereignty in matters of vengeance and justice, He frequently employs His faithful servants to carry out His will. One example from the Bible is the story of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt. God used Moses, Aaron, and the plagues to bring judgment upon Egypt, ultimately leading to the release of the Israelites from slavery. Another example is the story of David and Goliath, where God used David to defeat the giant Goliath and bring victory to Israel. In both cases, God demonstrated His sovereignty in matters of vengeance and justice, but He also chose to work through His faithful servants to accomplish His purposes. We can’t dismiss Him doing the same thing through us. In the contemporary political landscape, the dissident right has emerged as a significant force. However, the demographic makeup of this movement predominantly comprises Millennials and Gen Z, groups notorious for their impatience. As a millennial myself, I can attest to this restless spirit that often permeates our collective consciousness. The crux of the problem lies in our expectation for immediate results. We live in an era of instant gratification, where everything from food to entertainment is available at the click of a button. This mindset does not translate well to the realm of politics where power is gained incrementally over time. It’s a strategic, long-game play that requires patience, resilience, and foresight. Our generations are often blinded by the desire for instant results. We want everything now, failing to understand the necessity of the slow, arduous process that leads to lasting change. This impatience often leads to a sense of disillusionment when our expectations are not met immediately, causing us to fall into a state of despair and negativity. However, it is crucial to maintain a sense of optimism. We must remember that the road to change is fraught with challenges, but it is through overcoming these obstacles that we will ultimately succeed. It’s essential to have a message of hope and most importantly, solutions. While pointing out flaws and injustices is necessary, we must be careful not to get trapped in a perpetual state of negativity. This constant doom and gloom can be toxic to our minds, bodies, and souls. It leads to a defeatist mindset that can hinder our progress. Instead, we must cultivate a spirit of resilience and determination. We must believe in our ability to effect change and work tirelessly towards our goals. As we stand on the brink of a new era, a team of entrepreneurial warriors, winners, operators, and builders is assembling around the charismatic leader Donald Trump. This group of innovators, comprised of some of the brightest minds of our generation, is united by a shared vision of rebuilding and revitalizing our nation. While some of the usual subversive political players are also attempting to join this movement, we must acknowledge that this is simply the nature of politics. However, it is essential to recognize that the true driving force behind this transformation is the entrepreneurial warriors who are ready to put their talents and expertise to work for the betterment of our country. As we move forward with this ambitious undertaking, it is essential to acknowledge that politics is a complex and often messy business. There will be compromises, negotiations, and even the occasional breadcrumb tossed in the direction of the more traditional political players. However, we must not lose sight of the ultimate goal: empowering the warriors who have the vision, drive, and determination to reshape our nation’s future. I’m optimistic I encourage you to be so too. We have a lot of work to do, but this is a pivotal moment and a turning point in the future of our great nation. Have faith in God’s sovereign plan and starting building. To God be the glory. Andrew TorbaCEO, Gab.comChrist is King Bold Christian Writing andrew torbagab
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