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Posts published by “Andrew Isker”

The Fall of the American Empire

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

Something is coming. That is the general sense that I get from everyone I talk to who is even the least bit politically and culturally aware. “Something is coming.” “Something is going to happen soon.” For at least the last five years, everything has become increasingly and demonstrably unstable week after week. From the geopolitical situation in Ukraine to the efforts of the ruling regime to criminalize opposition to the regularly occurring crime and looting in large cities to the price of groceries and fuel that we all pay, the feeling of something big, some impending disaster is in the air.

Christian Nationalism and Christian Political Power

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by Pastor Andrew Isker


Far too many Christians have been told “The Bible doesn’t have anything to say about politics, so you shouldn’t care about it so much.” But that is simply not true, the Bible shows us God dealing with men who have political power all the time. Throughout the Bible, kings are reproved and judged by God for their wickedness, they are directed by His prophets, and they are praised when they are good and just. The Bible gives us so many examples of how God wants those with power to rule that to say “the Bible doesn’t have anything to say about politics” is, frankly, a sick joke.

The reason so many Christians believe that the Bible has nothing to say about politics is that we simply do not know the Bible—especially the Old Testament. The Book of Samuel, for example, is entirely about God bringing about a “revolution of elites,” a changing of the political order from the top down, starting with the removal of the wicked High Priest Eli and his sons, and then the replacement of the tyrannical and demonic Saul with a man after God’s own heart. The book shows that God giving His people a just and righteous king is grace to them from His hand.

2 Samuel 22, in particular, is a Psalm of David, and almost identical to Psalm 18. The fact that it is repeated here at the close of the book of Samuel isn’t just God trying to up the word count in the Bible like a student writing a term paper. It’s placement here is meaningful for the theology of the entire book. You’ll remember at the very beginning of the book of Samuel, Samuel’s mother, Hannah, sang a song about the child God had given her after years of barrenness. It isn’t just that God had given her a child, as wonderful as that is, but that God has given His people a deliverer to throw down the proud and mighty and raise up the humble and weak. That deliverer, Samuel, lead the way, like John the Baptist, to an even greater deliverer, David. This psalm is a record of God’s covenant keeping. He has made a covenant with His people to be their God, to be with them, and to deliver them from their enemies when they call upon His name. And He makes a particular covenant with that deliverer himself, David, that if he and his sons keep God’s law, God would never cease to keep a man on this throne. This psalm is a celebration of God keeping His covenant with His people. He is a God who does what He says.

An Excerpt From Chapter 1 Of The Boniface Option: Disenchantment with the Modern World

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In a world where the lines between reality and manipulation are becoming increasingly blurred, it’s essential to seek out the truth and understand the forces at play that shape our lives. Enter “The Boniface Option,” a groundbreaking book written by Andrew Isker and published by Gab Press that promises to lift the veil on the hidden agendas and sinister mechanisms that often go unnoticed in our society while also providing a guide for us to fight back against them.

Rich Men North of Richmond and the Gospel of Jesus Christ

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

Over the last week, a genuine viral phenomenon took place with Oliver Anthony’s Rich Men North of Richmond. A video of him singing the tune was shot by a local country station, and the unknown singer was instantly propelled into national fame. His song is a lament of the political and cultural conditions foisted upon middle America by the aforementioned ruling class located a few hours to his north. It is a working-class anthem, with coarse language commonly used among the kind of men who work long hours while witnessing their country destroyed at the hands of wicked men.

Restoring the Soul of American Christianity

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We are in a time of great spiritual awakening. I cannot tell you how many conversations I have had with young men, many of whom have little or no background in church, who realize how spiritually sick our world is. As a pastor, usually my first advice would be to “find a good church.” But in our day, such advice is much easier said than done. The great sickness of our world is also reflected in the dearth of good churches.

The Meaninglessness of Modern Life

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

Modern life is meaningless. Our young people believe they have no other purpose on this earth other than to seek pleasure and entertain away their boredom. Tens of millions in our country live this way. Is it any wonder that we have never been more anxious, depressed, and suicidal?

Like many in the Millennial Generation, I went to college and enjoyed four years of few responsibilities and seemingly endless opportunities for fun with friends. Your first taste of life as an adult is pleasure island. You are young with unlimited free time and can do whatever you want. Even if you are a Christian and you avoid the bacchanal of drunkenness, drugs, and fornication, you still become accustomed to a slightly more wholesome dissipate lifestyle. You assume this is what adult life is. For many in my generation, you leave college and continue to chase that same high. You find a job—if you are lucky—and have less free time. You are separated from most of your college friends. But you become desperate to relive those glory days, even if only Friday night through Sunday.

Terminal Decline of Civilization and Hope for the Future

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

The United States is well within a period of terminal decline. This is a cause of great discouragement and even despair for many. For many years the decline was noticeable but easy to deny. Slowly, imperceptibly you notice that things are not as good as you once remembered. “Oh it is just a recession. Things will return to normal soon.” Services that you always took for granted, whether it be courteous help or functioning roads and bridges disappear.

Christian Nationalism and the Most-Abused Verse in the Bible

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

There is currently no verse in the evangelical world more abused than Galatians 3:28. Only recently did this newcomer knock off the decades-long world champion, Matthew 7:1 “judge not, lest ye be judged.” But today, in the context of intense propaganda that seeks to demonize those of European descent and a ruling class that intentionally seeks to demographically replace them in their native lands, the Apostle Paul’s admonition to the church of Galatia is used as a battering ram to manipulate well-meaning Christians.

The Christian Duty To Produce “Cultural Christianity”

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

One of the most commonly held ideas within conservative evangelicalism is that “cultural Christianity is bad because it produces nominal Christians.” Nearly everyone has heard this from evangelical pulpits at one time or another. The former head of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, now a professional accuser of the brethren at Christianity Today, famously said, “Mayberry leads to hell just as certainly as Gomorrah does.”

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