It’s disheartening to see that free speech, a principle so many claim to support, is often only valued when their own speech is at risk. As the CEO of Gab, I’ve witnessed firsthand the disparity between the number of people who claim to support free speech and those who truly do. When I started Gab I assumed tens of millions of conservatives supported free speech. They all claim they do if you ask them, but I’d estimate that only about 10% of people actually do in practice. If you’re reading this, chances are you are the 10%.
Posts published in “Bold Christian Writing”
In today’s world many Christians are told that embracing multicultural egalitarianism is a prerequisite for being a “good Christian.” This narrative is perpetuated by the media, the entertainment industry, and even some pastors who argue that Christians must adapt to the changing cultural landscape in order to remain relevant and compassionate. However, this notion is not only misguided but also incompatible with the teachings of the Bible. As Christians, we are called to uphold the Biblical worldview, which provides a solid foundation for understanding and navigating the complexities of our world.
In the current political landscape it has become increasingly clear that those who refuse to wield power to punish their enemies and reward their friends do not deserve to hold political power. The unfortunate reality is that those on the right side of the aisle have failed to understand this fundamental principle and as a consequence they have failed to wield political will in a way that is necessary to restore order.
In the ever-polarizing world of politics and culture, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of negativity and animosity. We often find ourselves lamenting the many injustices and the seemingly endless list of reasons to be mad online. One such issue that has caused much consternation among Christians is the prevalence of so-called “Pride Month” that undermines our traditions and beliefs.
The recent guilty verdict in the rigged political witch hunt trial against President Trump has left many on the right questioning what our next steps should be. It’s clear that the forces aligned against us are relentless, and we must adapt our strategies to ensure the survival and growth of our movement. It was also very clear in 2020 that we aren’t going to simply vote our way out of the total and complete capture of our government by parasites with foreign allegiances who hate us.
So, now what?
The Appeal to Heaven, also known as the Pine Tree Flag, is a historical banner that has long represented the fight for freedom. Recently this iconic flag has come under attack by those who seek to suppress the values it embodies.
The issue of microplastics has gained increasing attention as a major health concern. These tiny plastic particles, which originate from the breakdown of larger plastic items, have been found in various ecosystems and even in the human body. One alarming discovery is the presence of microplastics in male testicles, with polyester underwear being identified as one of the culprits.
The world is witnessing a rapid and unprecedented erosion of institutional trust at every layer of society. From politics to media, from academia to science, and from healthcare to technology, the foundations of our institutions are crumbling. This widespread loss of faith in our established systems is not only a crisis of confidence but also a unique opportunity for Christians to rebuild Christendom.
In today’s world, where lies spread by our enemies are rampant and the mainstream media often fails to provide accurate information, I have found solace…
As you browse through a threads on X you are unexpectedly inundated with explicit sexual content. Scrolling through your Facebook feed you stumble upon AI-generated…
A disturbing trend has been emerging over the past few decades: the birth rate of every US state, along with the birth rate in most western nations, has dipped below the replacement population level. This has sparked widespread concern and fear, as this demographic shift could have catastrophic consequences for the long-term survival of some of the world’s most prosperous and influential societies and people groups.
The recent incidents at Jesus Dwelling Place Church in North Braddock, Pennsylvania, and the Assyrian Christ The Good Shepherd Church in western Sydney serve as stark reminders that Christians are at war whether we acknowledge it or not. The attempted shooting of Pastor Glenn Germany and the stabbing of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel underscore the need for self-defense training and a strategic plan for our churches. We must recognize that we are living in a time of war – a war against our faith, our values, and our way of life. To effectively navigate this tumultuous period, it is essential for pastors and churches to adopt a wartime mindset, as opposed to a peace time one that many currently hold.
Do I need to remind you of what has been happening over the past year? How “Christ is King” has been labeled “antisemitic?” Or how Resurrection Sunday was mocked by the Biden White House with a declaration of “trans visibility?” Or how about our elected representatives passing “hate speech” legislation that effectively outlaw parts of the Bible? Not to mention how quickly we forget the horrific massacre of six Christians including three young children at a Nashville school. Being winsome and “nice” won’t cut it anymore, Christian. It’s time to get serious.