Bold Christian Writing Just what IS Israel? Guest Post, November 17, 2023 Share this:The Relationship Between Christians and Jews by Ronald Dodson It is a question that is suddenly quite relevant, as the cyclical violence that has plagued the Levant has sparked again after the attack on Israel by Hamas on October 7th. It was a brutal move by the operative wing of… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Finding Fruitfulness in Faith: Lessons from the Barren Fig Tree Andrew Torba, November 13, 2023 Share this:The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree is found in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 13:6-9). This parable, told by Jesus, is about a man who had a fig tree planted in his vineyard. When he came looking for fruit on it and found none, he said to the keeper… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Abortion is the Sacrament of Trashworld Andrew Isker, November 8, 2023November 8, 2023 Share this:by Pastor Andrew Isker This week the State of Ohio voted by a nearly ten-point margin to enshrine abortion as a constitutional right. Ohio is not a far-left blue state like California or New York, it is a conservative red state that Donald Trump won by almost the same margin… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing The Church Is Israel Guest Post, November 6, 2023November 7, 2023 Share this:by TheUncreatedLight A common belief in some American Evangelical circles (not all) is that the nation state of Israel is the Israel spoken about in the Bible, these are the “true Israelites” so therefore it must be supported at all costs, etc. But does that align with the Bible? Who… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing The Church Situation In Ukraine Guest Post, October 31, 2023October 31, 2023 Share this:by TheUncreatedLight Since I get a plethora of questions from people are confused about Ukraine, the acronyms for the churches, what’s happening, etc. I have decided to make a full on explication that I can just reference to everyone who asks. This is not about the war itself between Russia… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Revolution of Elites Andrew Isker, October 30, 2023November 3, 2023 Share this:by Pastor Andrew Isker Introduction 2 Samuel 23 is the second part of the center of the appendix section of the Book of Samuel. It gives us the central theme of the entire book. Like David’s psalm in chapter 23, it gives us the theology to meditate upon to understand… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Discerning Truth and Alligator Gallbladders Guest Post, October 26, 2023 Share this:On the hunt for the higher things by John Heers, First Things Foundation Let’s take a look at truth. What is true, what is fake? How might these ideas be related to things sacred and things profane? How should we understand these terms as war rages on and human beings… Continue Reading
Big Tech Marshall McLuhan’s War Guest Post, October 23, 2023October 27, 2023 Share this:The Medium is the Weapon by The Prudentialist Since February 2022, Western minds have been exposed to a deluge of information, more data than any average individual can comprehend, let alone make sense of. Without taking serious time and processing efforts to draw a coherent narrative or to make sense… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing The Fall of the American Empire Andrew Isker, October 6, 2023 Share this:by Pastor Andrew Isker Something is coming. That is the general sense that I get from everyone I talk to who is even the least bit politically and culturally aware. “Something is coming.” “Something is going to happen soon.” For at least the last five years, everything has become increasingly… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing What is Toxic Masculinity? Guest Post, September 26, 2023September 26, 2023 Share this:Is There a Standard for Being a Jerk by John Heers, First Things Foundation Toxic men are in the news again. Again. In fact, it is clear that they will always be in the news, because men are so often doing things men shouldn’t do. But still, this term toxic… Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Christian Nationalism and Christian Political Power Andrew Isker, September 20, 2023September 22, 2023 Share this:by Pastor Andrew Isker Introduction Far too many Christians have been told “The Bible doesn’t have anything to say about politics, so you shouldn’t care about it so much.” But that is simply not true, the Bible shows us God dealing with men who have political power all the time…. Continue Reading
Bold Christian Writing Poisoned Youth Guest Post, August 30, 2023 Share this:by J. Pilgrim I think of myself more as a late Gen-X kid, rather than a millennial, because that’s the movies and music I liked, but regardless, I’m an 80s kid. We’re the Nostalgia Generation. I had a Zoomer on Telegram ask me why—given the utter destruction that the digital… Continue Reading