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Posts published in “Bold Christian Writing”

An Excerpt From Chapter 1 Of The Boniface Option: Disenchantment with the Modern World

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In a world where the lines between reality and manipulation are becoming increasingly blurred, it’s essential to seek out the truth and understand the forces at play that shape our lives. Enter “The Boniface Option,” a groundbreaking book written by Andrew Isker and published by Gab Press that promises to lift the veil on the hidden agendas and sinister mechanisms that often go unnoticed in our society while also providing a guide for us to fight back against them.

Embracing The Boniface Option: Charting a Course for Christian Counteroffensive

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It is with great excitement and conviction that I introduce you to our latest offering from Gab Press, a book that holds the potential to ignite a transformative movement in a world deeply divided, manipulated, and re-engineered. The Boniface Option: A Strategy For Christian Counteroffensive in a Post-Christian Nation, penned by the nationally bestselling co-author of Christian Nationalism: A Biblical Guide For Taking Dominion And Discipling Nations, Andrew Isker, is a clarion call for Christians to rise from the ashes of a society turned upside down and rediscover the path to a life imbued with purpose, faith, and resistance. It is already quickly climbing up the charts and is a number one new release on Amazon in multiple categories.

Rich Men North of Richmond and the Gospel of Jesus Christ

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

Over the last week, a genuine viral phenomenon took place with Oliver Anthony’s Rich Men North of Richmond. A video of him singing the tune was shot by a local country station, and the unknown singer was instantly propelled into national fame. His song is a lament of the political and cultural conditions foisted upon middle America by the aforementioned ruling class located a few hours to his north. It is a working-class anthem, with coarse language commonly used among the kind of men who work long hours while witnessing their country destroyed at the hands of wicked men.

What’s a Human Right, Anyway?

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Or more accurately, what is a human?

by John Heers, First Things Foundation

What is a human right? To answer this question I propose that we investigate first things first. What is a human? 

From the Isle of Mann in the sea between England and Ireland, sometime around the 7th Century AD, we find this story: Human beings are the survivors of the events of Ragnarök, a great war between the gods of the Norse. The two survivors, Lif and Lifthrasir, man and woman, gave birth to humans and it is the goal of these humans to appease and stay in alignment with the victorious gods of the Ragnarök. 

From Nicea, a town in modern-day Turkey, in the year 323 AD, we see this: A human being is by grace, what Christ is by nature. God became man so man can become like God.

Restoring the Soul of American Christianity

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We are in a time of great spiritual awakening. I cannot tell you how many conversations I have had with young men, many of whom have little or no background in church, who realize how spiritually sick our world is. As a pastor, usually my first advice would be to “find a good church.” But in our day, such advice is much easier said than done. The great sickness of our world is also reflected in the dearth of good churches.

Overcoming The “Walking Dead” Society

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I recently took my family on a trip to the Zoo and felt an overwhelming sense of shock at the state of the people around me there. The atmosphere seemed reminiscent of a scene from “The Walking Dead,” with a clear sense of emptiness in everyone’s eyes. Witnessing this lack of meaning and despair on people’s faces saddened me profoundly, but I am not without hope.

The Meaninglessness of Modern Life

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

Modern life is meaningless. Our young people believe they have no other purpose on this earth other than to seek pleasure and entertain away their boredom. Tens of millions in our country live this way. Is it any wonder that we have never been more anxious, depressed, and suicidal?

Like many in the Millennial Generation, I went to college and enjoyed four years of few responsibilities and seemingly endless opportunities for fun with friends. Your first taste of life as an adult is pleasure island. You are young with unlimited free time and can do whatever you want. Even if you are a Christian and you avoid the bacchanal of drunkenness, drugs, and fornication, you still become accustomed to a slightly more wholesome dissipate lifestyle. You assume this is what adult life is. For many in my generation, you leave college and continue to chase that same high. You find a job—if you are lucky—and have less free time. You are separated from most of your college friends. But you become desperate to relive those glory days, even if only Friday night through Sunday.

Fight By Flight

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Why Leaving Godless Places Is Loving Godless Places

by Joel Webbon

My book, “Fight By Flight: Why Leaving Godless Places Is Loving Godless Places,” recently sparked quite the controversy online. Many have asked, “Why an entire book dedicated to the topic of whether or not Christians should leave blue states? Why devote so much time to this particular topic, especially a niche topic that’s likely to be polarizing?”

My answer is simple: Because I spent several years of my life compelling Christians to stay in California (where I previously lived and pastored), it seems only right to devote some time and energy to righting the ship. This is not some kind of gospel-less penance. Rather, the Scripture teaches that each of us should strive to do good works in keeping with our repentance (Matthew 3:8). That said, I recognize that I must be careful not to make the same mistake, only this time, in the other direction. Therefore, my desire is for Christians to seriously consider whether or not their choice to remain in hostile contexts will inhibit them from full obedience to all of Christ’s commands. I want these Christians to know that it is permissible, and in some cases even commendable, to leave. At the same time, I want Christians to know there are exceptions to the rule. In some cases it is permissible, and even right, to stay.

To this end, my little book is intended to serve as merely the kindling for the fire of serious thought, prayer, and discussion. Ultimately, the decision is up to you, your conscience, and the Lord.

Normans in Paris

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by Kilts Khalfan

The internet is raging over France. Everybody has declared that it is a race war. This is it for the Frogs: the diversity immigrants have finally snapped; the incompatible Africans are finally being honest about their hatred of the White French and they’re burning down the country. It’s over this is the End. Well, if that’s the whole story then we have nothing to talk about. But I’m not that way inclined, I like stories. So, I’m joining the man who sat down calmly to eat a sandwich in the middle of a street battle to look at what’s happening to the collapsed imperial power – something I call the Vending Machine – of Europe known as the French Republic. All is not as it seems in the croissant utopia. It’s time to look at the French story over a sandwich.

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