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Posts tagged as “christianity”

Building a Brighter Future

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All the darkness of the world cannot put out the light of a single candle

by D.L. Marshall

With the current global situation, together we can, and will build a brighter future. In other to give meaningful suggestions for this, we first need to speak candidly about what’s happening in the world at present. It appears for real, that there are factions within the world’s power elite that desire at all costs to exert as much control as possible over the people of the world. It will surprise you that their primary means for establishing control are through causing destabilization, promoting fear, secrecy, polarization, and distracting people from their deeper and core purpose in life. The irony of this is that when these factions and principalities gain greater power and control, our freedoms and liberties will be increasingly taken away, sometimes without us even realizing it.

The Cult of the Supreme Being

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by Defend Europa

On the 8th of June 1794, Maximilian Robespierre, a French revolutionary leader, descended from a man-made mountain in a festival procession at the Champ de Mars. It was the day of the festival for the “Cult of the Supreme Being”, a new religious holiday with a matching religion created almost solely by Robespierre to replace Christianity with something he felt more comfortable with. For all his revolutionary and iconoclastic zeal, Robespierre knew all too well that one could not remove God from the world without replacing Him with something else. This something else was a new religion he named: the “Cult of the Supreme Being”. To learn what this religion was about, we only need to read a part of the speech Robespierre gave that day;

A Reflection on Ukraine, America, Russia, and War

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by Fr. Zechariah Lynch

The Ukrainian and Russian peoples came out of the Dnieper baptismal font, and the war between these peoples is a repetition of the sin of Cain, who, out of envy, killed his own brother”

His Beatitude, Metropolitan Onuphry of All Ukraine.

In the past I have written a number of articles that touch upon ecclesiastical issues in Ukraine, those articles may be found here.

Many are worried now that some “hot war” actions have begun in Ukraine, understandably and rightly so. Yet, speaking first to my Orthodox brethren, most of all I assume in America, I would say, the current issues have spiritual roots. Have we as Orthodox not been at best fairly passive with regard to what has been a type of spiritual fratricide in Ukraine? The spiritual fabric of Orthodoxy has been rent through the actions of the Ecumenical Patriarchate (EP) in recognizing unrepentant schismatics. As I’ve noted before, for years now violence has been used by these false Christians against the faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church under Met. Onuphry (Many Years!). At best flaccid support has been given by some here to the faithful there, mostly because those in America do not want to rock the boat. The representative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in America, Archbp. Elpidophoros is an avid supporter of the schismatics in Ukraine. He openly communes and supports them. Yet he remains as head of the “Assembly of Canonical Bishops” in America. How can such a thing be? Few it seems have cared, up until now, that the faithful of Ukraine are being subjected to spiritual violence (which has manifested physically). Few it seems have cared that the EP is in open and full communion with unrepentant schismatics. So spiritual violence has been ravaging Ukraine, and few have said much. We value a nominal “peace” above true peace, for true peace cannot be had in communion with false brethren. Now major physical violence is taking place, but what is worse for the soul, spiritual or material violence?

The Future of Conservative Christianity is Working Class and Rural

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By Andrew Isker

A little over a month ago, Tucker Carlson presented a monologue on his show which set off conservative intelligentsia into a fit of impotent rage. The National Review types, who, to a man are as much in touch with the plight of the working man as they are willing and able to change their own oil, were apoplectic that he dare besmirch the economic system that has made our elites rich. Their furor can be summed up as “why don’t those dumb Oxycontin-addled hillbillies just accept some personal responsibility and get a job?” It might be a tiny stretch to say an Ivy League lawyer, a professional blogger, another Ivy League lawyer, and a Wall Street investment banker might not have an entirely accurate understanding of what life is like for poor, rural Americans in 2019.

The Vaccine Has Become A Religious Ceremony That Christians Have A Right To Reject

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In February I explained the many reasons that the Oligarchs fear Christianity. Their attacks on Christians started shortly after the mostly peaceful protest at the Capitol on January 6th. Suddenly Christian Nationalism was a “threat to our democracy.” “Radicalized Christian nationalism is one of the biggest threats facing the US” wrote Business Insider.

Give me a break.

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