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Posts tagged as “gab”

We’re Cleaning Up Gab And It’s Long Overdue

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Gab is a platform dedicated to preserving and promoting free speech while maintaining a safe environment for all users. Balancing these two objectives can be a delicate dance, as we strive to protect the rights of individuals to express themselves while simultaneously ensuring that our community remains free from subversive bad actors who seek to destroy Gab by any means necessary.

Social Media As We Know It Is Dead And AI Killed It

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Authenticity in today’s world has become a rare commodity.

The advent of AI and its ability to replicate human behavior in text-based conversations, posts, and comments has led to an influx of inauthentic content and interactions. The line between AI and human engagement has blurred, leaving users struggling to distinguish between genuine human interaction and AI-generated content.

The Era of Free Lunch on the Internet is Over

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The Rise of Sustainable Business Models

In the world of free social networks the user is the product rather than the customer. This is because these platforms generate revenue primarily through advertising and the users’ data is the currency that drives this model. Instead of simply paying for the privilege of getting access to your attention advertisers also demand that these platforms silence you from saying anything they don’t like or they will threaten to pull their ad dollars.

They do this because they themselves are pressured by activist groups, primarily the Jewish activist group the ADL, for running ads next to speech the ADL doesn’t like. By the nature of this relationship the ADL has de facto control over the social networks and thus they also control free speech online. The entire business model is toxic from top to bottom and it’s time for it to end if you want free speech to exist.

Google’s Anti-White AI Is Tech’s Bud Light Moment

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As the CEO of Gab I’ve been in the fight to expose the bias and censorship of Big Tech companies for nearly 8 years now. Every few months over the course of those eight years there has been one story or another about Big Tech’s bias and their censorship of people on the right.

Finding Fruitfulness in Faith: Lessons from the Barren Fig Tree

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The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree is found in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 13:6-9). This parable, told by Jesus, is about a man who had a fig tree planted in his vineyard. When he came looking for fruit on it and found none, he said to the keeper of the vineyard, ‘For three years now I have been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’ However, the vineyard keeper asked for patience, suggesting to leave it for one more year, during which he would dig around it and fertilize it. If it bore fruit next year, fine; if not, then it could be cut down.

An Amazon Alternative For The Parallel Economy

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The concept of the Parallel Economy has gained significant traction in recent years largely thanks to Gab’s multi-year effort to mainstream the concept. A Parallel Economy is a network of businesses and consumers who prioritize values, ethics, and principles over sheer commercial interests. People are no longer content with merely boycotting brands that don’t align with their convictions; they seek to actively support businesses that champion their values and we seek to help them do so on Gab.

Introducing the All-New Gab User Interface: More User-Friendly and Customizable Than Ever

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At Gab we’re committed to providing you with the best possible user experience and we’re thrilled to announce the launch of our all-new Gab User Interface! With this update, we’ve taken user-friendliness and customization to the next level. Here’s what you can expect from the latest Gab experience:

Upholding Free Speech Amidst the Censorship Machine

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Dear Gab Community,

In a digital age where online platforms seem to bow to external pressures and censorship demands, Gab proudly stands as a bastion of free speech. We’ve weathered storms, faced adversity, and stood firm in our commitment to protect your right to speak freely. Recent events, highlighted by the #BantheADL movement, have once again illuminated the vital role Gab plays in defending free speech.

Made in USA by Christians ✝️