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Posts tagged as “parallel economy”

The Rise Of A Parallel Government

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The United States is on the brink of a major shift in its political landscape. As the existing regime continues to struggle with internal divisions, external threats, and a general loss of trust from the American people, a parallel government is emerging, led by a coalition of influential figures from both the public and private sectors.

A Nation in Crisis

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I write to you today with a heavy heart, filled with righteous anger and a deep sense of concern for our fellow Americans who are suffering through one of the most devastating natural disasters in recent memory. As I pen these words, over one million homes in Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee are without power, leaving countless families to grapple with the loss of their homes, vehicles, loved ones, and, in some cases, entire towns. This tragedy is a stark reminder that when disaster strikes, we simply cannot rely on our government to come to our rescue; it is in these moments that we must lean on each other and our faith.

The “Crunchy Mom”: A Beacon of Hope in a Toxic World

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A few days ago, I stumbled upon a term that perfectly encapsulated the lifestyle of my wife and many of my close friends’ spouses: “crunchy mom.” Originating from TikTok circles, this term describes women who adhere to a “crunchy” lifestyle, valuing health, simplicity, and self-sufficiency. These women, often pejoratively labeled as old-fashioned or unconventional, are, in fact, the unsung heroes of our time. They are the countercultural moms raising up the next generation of children to avoid the toxicity all around us.

Why Parallel Economy Creatives Are Stronger Together

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by Elijah Shoesmith

Jesus expected His students to become disciples. Messengers of His truth once He left to prepare our mansions. He didn’t want lifelong learners who refused to leave the classroom. And He still doesn’t.

Influenced by people we follow online, it’s time for us “regular joes” to step out. In faith, I’m taking that first action. My hope is that you’ll join me.

An Amazon Alternative For The Parallel Economy

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The concept of the Parallel Economy has gained significant traction in recent years largely thanks to Gab’s multi-year effort to mainstream the concept. A Parallel Economy is a network of businesses and consumers who prioritize values, ethics, and principles over sheer commercial interests. People are no longer content with merely boycotting brands that don’t align with their convictions; they seek to actively support businesses that champion their values and we seek to help them do so on Gab.

Introducing the All-New Gab User Interface: More User-Friendly and Customizable Than Ever

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At Gab we’re committed to providing you with the best possible user experience and we’re thrilled to announce the launch of our all-new Gab User Interface! With this update, we’ve taken user-friendliness and customization to the next level. Here’s what you can expect from the latest Gab experience:

Overcoming The “Walking Dead” Society

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I recently took my family on a trip to the Zoo and felt an overwhelming sense of shock at the state of the people around me there. The atmosphere seemed reminiscent of a scene from “The Walking Dead,” with a clear sense of emptiness in everyone’s eyes. Witnessing this lack of meaning and despair on people’s faces saddened me profoundly, but I am not without hope.

The Meaninglessness of Modern Life

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

Modern life is meaningless. Our young people believe they have no other purpose on this earth other than to seek pleasure and entertain away their boredom. Tens of millions in our country live this way. Is it any wonder that we have never been more anxious, depressed, and suicidal?

Like many in the Millennial Generation, I went to college and enjoyed four years of few responsibilities and seemingly endless opportunities for fun with friends. Your first taste of life as an adult is pleasure island. You are young with unlimited free time and can do whatever you want. Even if you are a Christian and you avoid the bacchanal of drunkenness, drugs, and fornication, you still become accustomed to a slightly more wholesome dissipate lifestyle. You assume this is what adult life is. For many in my generation, you leave college and continue to chase that same high. You find a job—if you are lucky—and have less free time. You are separated from most of your college friends. But you become desperate to relive those glory days, even if only Friday night through Sunday.

Building a Parallel Economy and Nurturing a New Christendom

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The concept of building a parallel economy and nurturing a new Christendom offers an inspiring vision for those seeking alternative frameworks to secular society’s crumbling infrastructure. This is something we’ve been working towards here at Gab for several years now and I’m excited to share some more of that vision and highlight a few of the great people laying the foundation of a new Christendom with their work.

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