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Posts tagged as “parallel economy”

Culture is Downstream from Commerce: The Importance of Conscious Consumerism

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Our purchasing decisions have massive implications beyond simply satisfying our immediate needs or desires. When we buy a product or support a business we inadvertently contribute to the values and principles these businesses uphold. This in turn influences the culture which then influences political action in our society.

Embracing Truth and Defying Fear

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Christians are often confronted with challenges that test their faith and convictions. In the face of today’s moral ambiguity and cultural relativism it is essential for believers to stand firm in their understanding of the Truth and take bold action. Christians need to shed their fears, refuse to tolerate evil, and remember to operate within the moral framework of the Creator God.

Voting with Your Purchasing Power: A Potent Weapon in the Culture War

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In today’s clown world people are seeking effective means to express their beliefs and fight for causes they hold dear. While protests, social media activism, and political engagement are common approaches, a lesser-known yet powerful weapon in the culture war lies in our purchasing power. The ability to shape corporate behavior and culture through our consumer choices can have a profound impact on the direction society takes. Our purchasing power has a profound impact and we need to start using it more. We can no longer support brands that promote worldviews that are diametrically opposed to Truth. We need to continue making examples of brands who do these things by refusing to purchase their products and services.

Confessions of a Steward

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The Creator’s Pattern

By Joel Salatin, Plain Values

In 1961 as our family looked out over this newly-acquired farm property with its rocks, gullies, and weeds, we needed a roadmap to healing. In our imagination, we could see fertile fields, filled-in gullies, and soil-covered rocks, but how to get there was intimidating. Our redemption project seemed impossible.

My dad contacted both private and public (government) agriculture experts to receive as broad a range of counsel as possible. Every advisor recommended borrowing more money, planting corn, building silos, grazing the woods, and feeding the soil chemical fertilizers.

Giving Little Ones with Special Needs Room to Bloom

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By Marlin Miller, Publisher of Plain Values

I began our first post with this question and a statement. “What do the Amish, little ones with special needs, two nonprofits, four adoptions, two one-room schoolhouses from the 1800’s and a monthly print magazine have to do with homesteading in 2023? It is the story of our family, and it is a joy to share how the Lord has pieced it together over the last twenty years.” This is the second installment of that story.

Everything we discuss and share inside Plain Values magazine is focused on loving our neighbor. From adopting a child, raising extra tomatoes and peppers, helping that neighbor build a fence or a woodshed… it’s all about living out the two greatest commandments: to love God and love your neighbor.

Confessions of a Steward—Beginnings

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By Joel Salatin, Plain Values

Does God Care How I Farm? That question defines my life’s work and vision because it moves the visceral, practical decisions I make in my farming vocation to a place of sacredness and godly living. If God cares about physical and practical things in my life, then my theology and belief structure are more than academic pursuits.

They are not just discussion groups and conversations. If God cares how I farm, then I should enthusiastically embrace searching for techniques and protocols that please Him. After all, it’s all His stuff. The courthouse may say I own this land, but ultimately I don’t. Legally and culturally, I may advocate for property rights, but really it’s all God’s property. Does He care how it’s handled? Does He care how I leave it? Does He care what I do with it?

How Four Adoptions Led to a Magazine

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by Marlin, Plain Values

What do the Amish, little ones with special needs, two nonprofits, four adoptions, two one-room schoolhouses from the 1800s, and a monthly print magazine have to do with homesteading in 2023? It is the story of our family, and it is a joy to share how the Lord has pieced it together over the last twenty years. My name is Marlin Miller, and here we go!

The War Against Chaos

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by J.Pilgrim

I’m typing this out while I’m racked out in the back of my SUV in a Walmart parking lot in a college town, sipping a beer. I was attempting to spend New Year’s Day camping at the homestead, but my fan belt frayed out on the drive and ripped off the top of the dipstick. I assume that the fan belt is a delayed casualty of the sub-zero cold we had a couple of weeks ago, but I don’t know for sure. I do know I’m not going to risk driving home and having the belt completely fall apart.

The Visual Examination

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The Art and Science of Watching your Animals

by A.L. Bork DVM

The squeak of the grass, as it’s pinched between tooth and gum, harmonizes with the slow, baritone hoof beats of the flock advancing across the shadowy hillside. Each individual navigates independently, but pulses forward in unison with the band, as if obeying a silent command to push on just past the next sunlit clearing, and then the next, and the next.

Do Your Part

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Become an Active Citizen of the Parallel Economy in 2023!

by The Parallel Economist

Commit to becoming an active citizen of the Parallel Economy this year!

Gab’s progress in creating the Parallel Economy’s web infrastructure has been both extraordinary and inspiring. Andrew Torba’s leadership has been unparalleled, but the Parallel Economy is bigger than Gab’s management. The Parallel Economy requires the hundreds of brave businesses that have trail-blazed on Gab Marketplace, but even they are not the whole of the Parallel Economy, even on Gab.

The Parallel Economy needs everyone to succeed, and that means the thousands of Gab users and hundreds of thousands of Gab readers to be active citizens. Building a new economy is not a spectator sport. The Parallel Economy needs all hands on deck!

You must become an active citizen of the Parallel Economy!

State of the Blog: Gab News 2022

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by Richard Osgar

Well, folks, I thought it appropriate to give a short address to you all concerning the past year of the blog here and what else to expect for the next one.

Since November 2021 we’ve had an eclectic mix of op-eds from nearly every corner of Christendom. More than a few denominations of the Protestant tradition have shown up, joining ranks with clergy and laity alike in the rich heritage of both Eastern Orthodoxy and Western Catholicism. Covering such topics as the general Bold Christian Writing, the Parallel (Christian) Economy – Go and Build, Big Tech, Christian Nationalism, Homeschool Resources, Making Art Christian Again, and general ruminations on the life of the Christian dissident in modern America (and the world!).’s 2022 Accomplishments And 2023 Plans

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First of all I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a heartfelt thank you for your continued support of the important work we are doing here at Gab to defend the freedom of speech and build the Parallel Economy. We had an incredible year in 2022 and we accomplished so much together as a community. Please pray that God will continue to bless our community, team, and work in 2023 and beyond.

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