Exposing The Telegraph’s “Journalism” Andrew Torba, November 22, 2020November 22, 2020 Share this: Today we will be examining how Margi Murphy from The Telegraph operates. For a “journalist” Margi sure does need some basic grammar lessons, so we will see if we can help her out by correcting her work and then addressing her “questions.” Hello,I am writing an article about your new CTO and in the piece it discusses the previous posts from users that include racial slurs, homophobic slurs and anti-Semetic and anti-Muslim slurs. I wanted to give Gab a fair chance to respond to these criticisms. Could you respond by Sunday 11am PT. Kind regards, Margi, I am sharing all of our emails on Gab, starting with your last email. Tomorrow morning I will be publishing this exchange in full on The Corrupt Press section of the Gab News blog. Next I will email it to millions of people as is Gab’s standard protocol when dealing with the corrupt and failing mainstream media. With this in mind, let me kindly address your vague and ambiguous concerns about random user generated content on Gab. You know it’s interesting that as a white Christian family man I can find plenty of “hateful content” about people like me on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, YouTube, and even in publications like yours. This never seems to be an issue covered by the press. Just look at a small sample of the anti-white hatred from verified Twitter accounts: Thankfully I’m an adult and I don’t need to dox, censor, threaten, attack, or ruin people’s lives for mocking my race, social status, or even my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the King of Kings and Lord of Lords on the internet. Amazing how that works, right? Gab seeks to export the uniquely American and Christian value of liberty to the entire world. Regardless of whether Gab’s administrators, outside activist pressure groups, “cancel culture” Internet mobs, the mainstream media (i.e. people like you,) foreign governments, or any other persons agree with any Gabber’s viewpoints: political speech that is protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution will be allowed on the platform. Illegal activity, threats of violence, doxxing, pornography, child exploitation, and spam are not allowed on Gab.Part of having millions of users create and share content is that something somewhere is going to offend someone somewhere. Part of being an adult is learning how to use the block button or continue scrolling. If you don’t like something on Gab, you don’t have to view it. If you don’t like someone on Gab, you don’t have to associate with them. If you see something illegal happening report it using Gab’s reporting system and we will take appropriate action. That’s how the real world works and it’s how Gab works too. We provide a viewpoint neutral communication platform. It’s not Gab’s job to “fact check” or remove politically incorrect opinions, news, history, math problems, memes, jokes, satire, or anything else. As a Christian I believe that sunlight is the best disinfectant for evil. By allowing people to speak freely we can shine a light on darkness and lift people up instead of trying to destroy their lives for having a politically incorrect opinion or sharing an “edgy” meme on the internet. Andrew TorbaCEO, Gab.comJesus is KingNovember 21, 2020 Media Transparency fake newsgabthe telegraph
Media Transparency Gab’s Statement On The Website Targeting U.S. Election Officials December 10, 2020December 11, 2020 Share this:At 8:38pm on Wednesday December 9th Gab received an email from Walden Macht & Haran LLP notifying us of a Gab account, @EnemiesOfThePeople, that was in breach of our Terms of Service. Read More
Gab Gab’s Statement on Facebook-funded Graphika and Their “Misinformation” Report October 13, 2020November 19, 2020 Share this:Gab is a company that exists to promote American values on the global Internet including defending, protecting, and preserving free speech for all people. It’s not Gab’s job to “fact check” political opinions, news, history, math problems, memes, or anything else. Read More
Media Transparency Gab’s Email Exchange With The Wall Street Journal June 30, 2020November 19, 2020 Share this: Read More