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Posts published in “Go And Build”

The Healing Land — Community Inter-Dependence Day

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by Shawn and Beth Dougherty, Plain Values

July Fourth is an important day in our village. We always say Hinton has the best fireworks display in the valley, and people come from all over to watch. The park is full of strangers as well as neighbors, and the lines in front of the two village ice cream stands are backed up for miles. It’s a big event.

Weaving through the crowds until we find a place among our friends on the already-crowded park benches, we can finally slow down and take a deep breath. What with all the holiday preparations, as well as the ordinary farm chores, it has been a busy day. And since community picnics wouldn’t be complete without our molasses ginger cake, we really had to prepare ahead.

An Excerpt From Chapter 1 Of The Boniface Option: Disenchantment with the Modern World

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In a world where the lines between reality and manipulation are becoming increasingly blurred, it’s essential to seek out the truth and understand the forces at play that shape our lives. Enter “The Boniface Option,” a groundbreaking book written by Andrew Isker and published by Gab Press that promises to lift the veil on the hidden agendas and sinister mechanisms that often go unnoticed in our society while also providing a guide for us to fight back against them.

Giving Little Ones with Special Needs Room to Bloom

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By Marlin Miller, Publisher of Plain Values

I began our first post with this question and a statement. “What do the Amish, little ones with special needs, two nonprofits, four adoptions, two one-room schoolhouses from the 1800’s and a monthly print magazine have to do with homesteading in 2023? It is the story of our family, and it is a joy to share how the Lord has pieced it together over the last twenty years.” This is the second installment of that story.

Everything we discuss and share inside Plain Values magazine is focused on loving our neighbor. From adopting a child, raising extra tomatoes and peppers, helping that neighbor build a fence or a woodshed… it’s all about living out the two greatest commandments: to love God and love your neighbor.

Confessions of a Steward—Beginnings

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By Joel Salatin, Plain Values

Does God Care How I Farm? That question defines my life’s work and vision because it moves the visceral, practical decisions I make in my farming vocation to a place of sacredness and godly living. If God cares about physical and practical things in my life, then my theology and belief structure are more than academic pursuits.

They are not just discussion groups and conversations. If God cares how I farm, then I should enthusiastically embrace searching for techniques and protocols that please Him. After all, it’s all His stuff. The courthouse may say I own this land, but ultimately I don’t. Legally and culturally, I may advocate for property rights, but really it’s all God’s property. Does He care how it’s handled? Does He care how I leave it? Does He care what I do with it?

How Four Adoptions Led to a Magazine

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by Marlin, Plain Values

What do the Amish, little ones with special needs, two nonprofits, four adoptions, two one-room schoolhouses from the 1800s, and a monthly print magazine have to do with homesteading in 2023? It is the story of our family, and it is a joy to share how the Lord has pieced it together over the last twenty years. My name is Marlin Miller, and here we go!

Lessons from Livestock, Part Two

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To Be or not to Bug

by David Treebeard

Read Part One
Read Part Three

When animals become numbers, human numbers are not far behind. For the past several hundred years since the imaginations of Descartes and other enlighteners permeated our power structures, people have been treated as machines or numbers – abstract variables that can be subtly manipulated, to achieve certain goals. This is how the modern government exercises its power through an upside-down form of Christian “pastoral” leadership.

What if the way a culture treats livestock is an indication of how its political leaders will treat people?

The War Against Chaos

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by J.Pilgrim

I’m typing this out while I’m racked out in the back of my SUV in a Walmart parking lot in a college town, sipping a beer. I was attempting to spend New Year’s Day camping at the homestead, but my fan belt frayed out on the drive and ripped off the top of the dipstick. I assume that the fan belt is a delayed casualty of the sub-zero cold we had a couple of weeks ago, but I don’t know for sure. I do know I’m not going to risk driving home and having the belt completely fall apart.

Do Your Part

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Become an Active Citizen of the Parallel Economy in 2023!

by The Parallel Economist

Commit to becoming an active citizen of the Parallel Economy this year!

Gab’s progress in creating the Parallel Economy’s web infrastructure has been both extraordinary and inspiring. Andrew Torba’s leadership has been unparalleled, but the Parallel Economy is bigger than Gab’s management. The Parallel Economy requires the hundreds of brave businesses that have trail-blazed on Gab Marketplace, but even they are not the whole of the Parallel Economy, even on Gab.

The Parallel Economy needs everyone to succeed, and that means the thousands of Gab users and hundreds of thousands of Gab readers to be active citizens. Building a new economy is not a spectator sport. The Parallel Economy needs all hands on deck!

You must become an active citizen of the Parallel Economy!

Lessons from Livestock, Part One

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The Living Scripture of Creation

by David Treebeard

Read Part Two
Read Part Three

Nature is under God’s control, and all the parts of nature are part of His symbolic language. This means that all of creation offers spiritual lessons. To farm, log, or fish is to interact with an animated parable of Christ, spoken by wordless creatures. A Christian culture needs this natural engagement, because if nobody stoops down and gets their hands dirty in the earth, then nobody can build cathedrals and gather together to pray heavenward. 

Building a Brighter Future

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All the darkness of the world cannot put out the light of a single candle

by D.L. Marshall

With the current global situation, together we can, and will build a brighter future. In other to give meaningful suggestions for this, we first need to speak candidly about what’s happening in the world at present. It appears for real, that there are factions within the world’s power elite that desire at all costs to exert as much control as possible over the people of the world. It will surprise you that their primary means for establishing control are through causing destabilization, promoting fear, secrecy, polarization, and distracting people from their deeper and core purpose in life. The irony of this is that when these factions and principalities gain greater power and control, our freedoms and liberties will be increasingly taken away, sometimes without us even realizing it.

The Path Forward: Build and Balkanize

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In light of the clown show that was the election on Tuesday I wanted to share some of my thoughts on what I see as the path forward from here. I made a post on Gab yesterday that got tens of thousands of engagements both on and off Gab. I think it’s important to analyze why this post resonated so widely and where we go from here.

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