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A Graze of Glory: Why Good Pasture Matters

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by David Treebeard

IF YOU’RE READING THIS, you’re probably an American that eats meat. If that’s the case, your meat is probably too simple. Or rather, the system that produced your meat is too simple. And this oversimplification causes serious problems for your health and our country’s soils.

Want to enjoy truly healthy meat? Embrace the simple complexity of pasture husbandry.

This may sound counterintuitive. Scripture tells us to live simply. The Righteous Job was a “simple” God-fearing, upright man, the type that the book of Proverbs exhorts us to be. So simplicity is good. Indeed, in all of Steadfast Provisions’ pemmican products, we aim for simplicity. Simple ingredients, processed in simple, traditional ways. But here’s the paradox: to live simply, we must embrace the complexity of God’s creation. Otherwise, things get very complicated, very fast.

Godless Media Now Calling Christianity a “Toxic Religion”

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Over the past week the entire mainstream media complex has launched an immense attack on my character, Gab, and Christianity itself–calling it a “toxic religion.” Echoing this hateful sentiment Jonathan Greenblatt–head of the Jewish Nationalist organization the ADL–called me “one of the most toxic people in public life right now” on national television. It’s interesting that his organization explicitly endorses, promotes, and defends Zionism, or Jewish Nationalism, while attacking me and others for promoting Christian Nationalism. Do as I say, not as I do. Unfortunately for Jonathan, Christians don’t answer to Jewish Nationalist organizations like the ADL and Godless media outlets. We answer to Jesus Christ. 

Responding To Rachel Maddow’s Attack On Gab

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Last night Rachel Maddow dedicated most of her show to attacking Christian Nationalism, Gab, Doug Mastriano, and my character personally. I’d like to start by saying that I’m praying for Ms. Maddow. She’s obviously a very confused and sad woman, but Jesus loves her nonetheless. I watched a replay of her show and reacted to many of the baseless lies in this video on Gab TV, I encourage you to please watch it to hear our side of the story and full response.

Sinister Psychosis and the Remembrance of God

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by Fr. Zechariah Lynch

Originally published on July 21, 2022 at

The progress of technology had led and is still leading to just such a concentration and centralization of power” Aldous Huxley.

Take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and the cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man”

Luke 21:34-36

Foundational to Christian living is the remembrance of God. Remembrance while waking. Remembrance while at work. Remembrance while fulfilling the duties of life. Remembrance while going to sleep. The Christian must be cultivating the remembrance of God in all things. It need not be elaborate, the believer may offer this service in the inner chamber of the heart. He may offer it in solitude or while in the midst of a multitude.

Reversing Generational Destruction of the Family

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

In the upheaval that followed the tumult of 2020, one of the many things revealed was just how miserable modern life is. The rickety house of cards that is the post-war, consumerist way of life was shown to be both incredibly fragile and unsustainable as well as a radical departure from the natural, human way of life. God did not create us to have families comprised of income-earner 1, income-earner 2, and children farmed out to strangers with maximum economic efficiency. Such a way of life sounds much more like a Soviet dystopia than wholesome Americana. And the truth is that it is, and this is a truth that the shock of 2020 forced many people to recognize.

Christian Nationalism and The Machete of Disobfuscation

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by Pastor Doug Wilson

One of the things that everybody needs to be braced for is a spate of articles, books, think pieces, documentaries, and the like on the rising threat of Christian nationalism. That being the case, you are likely to hear a lot about it from me as well. I intend, over the coming months, to sharpen my Machete of Disobfuscation, and, together in fellowship with you, to clear out some of these thickets.

Fr. Seraphim Rose: Pathfinder for Americans to Ancient Christianity

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by Timothy Honeycutt

Fr. Seraphim Rose has inspired millions around the world toward one end: the pursuit of Christ without compromise. From his humble monastery in the mountains of Northern California, this Orthodox Christian priest, monk, and missionary, penetrated the heart of ancient Christianity and drew his fellow Americans into Christ’s Church. Having submitted himself fully to Christ, he became a pathfinder for those seeking solid ground amidst the ever-shifting sands of our American Babylon. Fr. Seraphim traversed the philosophical and religious landscape, from Protestantism to agnosticism, Nietzsche, Watts, Guénon, Buddhism, Lao Tzu, and finally to Orthodoxy. Ultimately, he found that Truth is not merely ideas, philosophies, or even a way of being, but a Person: the Lord Jesus Christ.

You Can’t Be A Christian Without Being A Christian Nationalist

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

Every propaganda outlet for the globalist regime is at DEFCON1 over Christian Nationalism. The multi-billion dollar propaganda machine that forms the alternative reality tens of millions live in has to have a public enemy number one. Sometimes it has been Russians “hacking” the 2016 election or “racist” police. Usually, the regime’s chosen public enemy has to do with whatever the current thing is. Now, after the United States Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, returning the abortion issue to the states, and with the uni-party’s desperate and transparent attempt to make Donald Trump ineligible to run in 2024 with their absurd January 6 hearings, the regime has now chosen a new bogeyman: Christian Nationalism.

Christian Nationalism and Other Things That Skeered Us Real Bad

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by Pastor Doug Wilson

If you are an evangelical, you believe that Christ gave us the task of proclaiming the gospel of Christ to others, in the hope of persuading them to repent of their sins and believe the gospel. If you still have the name evangelical, but you don’t believe that anymore, then you need to figure out how to respond to those Christians who do still believe that the Great Commission—the way Jesus gave it—applies to us today. One of the things you can do is rename whatever the heck it is you’re doing, that outreach-lite stuff, and call it missional, and then you can turn around and accuse the old-timey Christians of being Christian nationalists.

Sounds pretty bad, right?

One Food to Rule Them All

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by David Treebeard

There is a quiet storm wreaking havoc in the world of food and farming. Processing plants, warehouses, and refineries are burning down at suspicious rates. Two of the world’s largest producers of wheat (and fertilizer) are currently in a war with no end in sight. Countries like China are hoarding all the grain they can get, while western governments use environmental regulations to throttle farm production and raise prices.

At a time like this, we need prayerful repentance, first of all. Second, we need to cultivate our local networks of capable food producers. And third, we need to obtain truly mighty food. Food that’s ready for anything. This article is a quest to answer an ancient, but ever-relevant question:

What is the one food to rule them all?

The Old Testament Belongs to Christ and His People Alone

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Why There Can Never Be A “Judeo-Christian” Anything

by Pastor Andrew Isker

Within conservative circles, particularly among evangelicals in that court, it is not uncommon to hear the phrase “Judeo-Christian”. This expression often modifies something that pertains to the history or tradition of Christendom. Most people think nothing of it. They are familiar enough with the Bible to know that the Old Testament is about Israel and the Hebrews, and the New Testament is about Christ incarnating to Israel and going to all the nations. But the reality is that Christianity was not formed out of this thing called “Judaism.” Christianity is the true biblical religion, and Judaism is the religion formed after faithful Jews, and believing Gentiles, were united to Jesus Christ.

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