Over the weekend I sent out a simple post that started a firestorm. The context of when I sent this post is important, so let’s start there. Amidst a raging week long debate about immigration all over the internet, people who were arguing in favor of hiring Americans over foreign H-1B workers were being called “racists,” myself included.
Posts tagged as “American Christianity”
In these uncertain times, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the challenges that face our nation and our world. The rebellion against God has reached unprecedented levels, and the consequences are evident in the chaos and destruction that surround us. Endless wars, the mass extermination of innocent lives, and the celebration of vice over virtue have become the norm. It is tempting to succumb to despair and apathy, to believe that our voices and actions are powerless in the face of such darkness.
The Republican Party, once a bastion for conservative values and a champion of religious liberty, has time and time again betrayed its core voter base, leaving many of us with a sense of righteous and perfect hatred towards the party....
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In the ever-polarizing world of politics and culture, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of negativity and animosity. We often find ourselves lamenting the many injustices and the seemingly endless list of reasons to be mad online. One such issue that has caused much consternation among Christians is the prevalence of so-called “Pride Month” that undermines our traditions and beliefs.
The Biden White House just announced a proclamation declaring this Sunday, Resurrection Sunday, as the “Transgender Day of Visibility.” This follows almost one year after a member of the trans community unleashed a wave of devastation upon Christians in Nashville that ended the lives of six of our brothers and sisters in Christ including three young children.
“We must give eleventy gazillion dollars to Israel because ‘they are God’s Chosen People’ and ‘those who bless you I will bless’” is a refrain Christians have been told their entire lives. There is no single theological issue that is the cause of greater confusion among Christians than what the status of Israel is in the New Covenant.
Christians are in the New Covenant. Most Christians understand this. But the confusion begins when we consider the Old Covenant. What was the point of the Old Covenant?
When God made a Covenant with Abraham and then developed it further with his descendants under Moses, what was the purpose of it?
How is the New Covenant made in Jesus’s blood so radically different?
These are questions that were sorted out throughout the New Testament. And despite much of the New Testament dealing with this issue, and millennia of Christian tradition extrapolating from it, confusion reigns today.
by Pastor Andrew Isker Introduction 2 Samuel 23 is the second part of the center of the appendix section of the Book of Samuel. It…
Something is coming. That is the general sense that I get from everyone I talk to who is even the least bit politically and culturally aware. “Something is coming.” “Something is going to happen soon.” For at least the last five years, everything has become increasingly and demonstrably unstable week after week. From the geopolitical situation in Ukraine to the efforts of the ruling regime to criminalize opposition to the regularly occurring crime and looting in large cities to the price of groceries and fuel that we all pay, the feeling of something big, some impending disaster is in the air.
We are in a time of great spiritual awakening. I cannot tell you how many conversations I have had with young men, many of whom have little or no background in church, who realize how spiritually sick our world is. As a pastor, usually my first advice would be to “find a good church.” But in our day, such advice is much easier said than done. The great sickness of our world is also reflected in the dearth of good churches.
Christians are often confronted with challenges that test their faith and convictions. In the face of today’s moral ambiguity and cultural relativism it is essential for believers to stand firm in their understanding of the Truth and take bold action. Christians need to shed their fears, refuse to tolerate evil, and remember to operate within the moral framework of the Creator God.
by Jerry D, Plain Values
This Month’s Question:
The balance between the blessings and pit-falls of modern-day technology can be hard to find. How do we balance using technology with staying connected to our community?
Answered by: Jerry D Miller, a minister in his local Amish church
by Ivan Keim, Plain Values This Month’s Question: The balance between the blessings and pit-falls of modern-day technology can be hard to find. How do…