Parallel Economy It’s Time To Build Our Own Parallel Economy Andrew Torba, February 17, 2021November 24, 2021 Share this:The People are learning what the real problem in our society is: the globalist oligarchs. Not any one politician. Not this political party or that one. The entire system is corrupt. Banks, tech companies, media companies, schools, government, and on and on. We must exit this broken and failing system… Continue Reading
Free Speech What Are Populists Fighting For? Andrew Torba, December 7, 2020December 7, 2020 Share this:Last week I wrote about the unification of the American Populist movement and posited that God should be the center of the movement as the Creator that unites us. I’ve been obsessively thinking about unity lately, something that this country and indeed entire the Western world lacks. Continue Reading
Free Speech How To Unify The American Populist Movement Andrew Torba, December 2, 2020December 3, 2020 Share this:It’s time to have a discussion about the future of the American Populist Movement. I’m not going to use the word “Republican” or “Democrat” because those words have become associated with spineless, gutless, sellout traitors who hate America and do not act in the interest of the American people. Continue Reading