by ThinkingWest The most challenging period in which to select the great books of Christianity is the modern era. The sheer volume of Christian literature…
Posts tagged as “Christian Art”
by ThinkingWest
In our third installment of the Great Books of Christianity, we explore the works hailing from one of the most tumultuous times in Christian history: the Reformation. As new forms of Christianity spread throughout the West, theologians on all sides sharpened their pens and duked it out on parchment. The theological battles that raged forever changed the way the West would worship.
So let’s take a look at the most important Christian works of the Reformation and Enlightenment, covering the years 1500-1800.
by ThinkingWest
Christianity is no stranger to the great books of the West and stands out among the great books as the inspiration for many of the foundational works of philosophy, literature, and science. Thus, there are a subset of great books in the West that aim to study Christianity itself. The Medieval period (~600 AD – 1500 AD) is perhaps the richest time period for Christian writings, as it was during this period that Christianity grew from a fledgling religion only recently tolerated by Roman rule into the most dominating power Europe has ever seen. The Christian rise in Europe is special in many ways, in that (perhaps for the first and only time) a religious power displaced tribes and nations in the hierarchy of power.
Though many might (perhaps mistakenly) call the early part of this period the “Dark Ages”, many illuminating writings emerged for the consumption of Christians or their curious acquaintances. Ranging from neck-deep philosophical treatises on theology to practical guides to prayer, the great books of Christianity of the Medieval period built on the foundations laid by early doctors of the Church. The Medieval writers then strove to dig deeper, look higher, and paint with more colorful strokes the Christian picture that, quite literally, would inspire the art and imagination of later Christian generations. Here are those Medieval works of Christian genius belonging to the “great books of Christianity”.
It’s been a little over six months since I announced the biblical painting series I’ve been working on. Currently I have completed number four out of twelve stories from the Old Testament in the studio, Creation, The Fall, Cain & Abel and The Flood.
I’ve called this series my magnum opus because I believe it is going to be some of my greatest work thus far. This body of work has the potential to revitalize Christian symbolism and aesthetics into the hearts and minds of those indulging in the mainstream, onto enemy territory, where the fight matters. It’s my goal to bring God into what has been traditionally regarded as the “secular field”, the art gallery and the fashion industry being hijacked by Satanic radicalism.
by P.R. Infidel
America has entered an Age of idiocy, and while it’s hard to watch her circle the drain, we can all do something to soften our landing. Specifically, we can use our talents to build the parallel economy Gab’s founder Mr. Torba is advocating.
Masculinity will Save the World
We’ve all heard and repeated the mantra ad nauseam that, “politics is downstream from culture.”
It’s true, the Right fallaciously defined its investment solely based on the ROI in one’s bank account through the lens of one-dimensional capitalism. In turn, leaving all creative industries abandoned where we find faith-based and conservative artists in the middle of the desert with no home. The radicals swarmed in with their patronage and now control the dreamscapes of your progeny through their aesthetic stranglehold of the arts and entertainment. And so, we have widespread liberalism and atheism brainwashing generations ahead of us in all creative spaces. It’s time we start becoming active participants as either talent, collector, or patron. Every art gallery you visit in New York City, much like every church in the city, has either a Black Lives Matter or LGBTQ rainbow flag for a reason – in other words, “If you ain’t with us, you’re against us.”
By Rachel Fulton Brown and Kilts Khalfan
We live in dark times for Christian storytelling. Movies, television, comics, and games have all gone over to the dark side, serving the Lord of this World through dreams of power and subversion. We wanted to write a Christian story to combat the grooming and blasphemous worship of the seducers and baby-killers, while at the same time introducing children and their parents to the Light which the Enlightenment denied.