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Men Without Chests

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The Cult of Safety Demands the Blood of Children

by Pastor Andrew Isker

It has now been more than a week since a godless psychopath murdered 19 children and two adults at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. The ruling regime has continued a full-court press to disarm the American people in the aftermath of the shooting. But as details of the attack continue to be released, it has become clear the very people who the regime says should be the only people with firearms, demonstrated a tremendous deficiency of courage.

Talking our Way out of Rocky Horror:

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Why Gender Restoration is the Culture War

Part 1: Introduction

by Kilts Khalfan

Will there be any culture left when the culture war is over? Our culture is what we hand on to our children, but the West isn’t having children. The birth rates are down, and people are wondering why we aren’t having babies. Our men and women aren’t making big families and our communities are becoming sterile and childless. This is a crisis that’s been building for generations. Sterility is the real climate change crisis of our time. The poles are melting but it’s not the ice caps, it’s the sex symbols. 

The Mass Shooting and Liberal Utopian Society

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A Feature, Not a Bug…

by Pastor Andrew Isker

In the last two weeks, there have been two mass shootings in the United States, and the second took place this week at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. These shootings have reignited the regime’s already intense desire for a disarmed populace. Even before the bodies of the dead children had been removed from the school, our mentally diminished President spoke to the nation, demanding that rifles (which he is not even able to accurately describe) be confiscated across a 330 million person country spanning an entire continent. This despicable man, and the legion of sociopathic ghouls arrayed behind him, are clearly overjoyed that there is a classroom full of young children lying dead in Texas. They don’t actually care about the anguish of parents who will never see their child grow up. Their deaths are merely a political prop for the most evil people on the planet.

Go And Build: Digital and Physical Sovereignty

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At Gab our goal is to empower and inspire you to Go And Build, not only in the digital world but also in the physical world as well. Our philosophy has always been very simple: instead of wasting our time “fighting” the existing system, we must start anew and build our own systems which are grounded on the firm foundation of our faith in Jesus Christ and the sovereignty comes with that walk in faith.

It’s Time For a 10 Year Foreign Aid Moratorium

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This week the U.S. Senate overwhelmingly approved $40 billion in aid which will be sent to Ukraine. The Senate voted 86-11 in favor of the bill. It’s very rare for the Senate to be this united on a bill these days and yet a super majority of the people elected to represent us in the Senate voted to send $40 billion dollars of our money to a foreign country.

From 2013-2018 US taxpayers paid out over $300 billion dollars to foreign countries. In 2019 alone the US paid out over $47 billion in foreign aid with the top receivers being Israel, Afghanistan, Jordan, Egypt, and Iraq among others. This should put into perspective just how daunting the amount of money we are sending one country with the passing of this Ukraine aid bill, which is nearly as much as we spent total sending money to dozens of foreign countries in all of 2019.

St. Joseph: Role Model for Manhood

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by Collin Christovich

Quality masculine role models are rare today. We certainly won’t find one in the current leader of the free world or his family. Corrupt, effeminate, imbecilic, perverse, drug use, etc. Sadly, this is the same image of the modern man propagated by western popular culture and institutions. We face a crisis of the emasculated western man. While the antithesis of Biblical masculinity is useful for what NOT to be, I believe a positive role model is much more valuable and powerful towards restoring western manhood.

The State of Meat

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– Opportunities for the Parallel Economy

by Jesse Dustin, of Heartland Goats

If anything has become clear over the last few years it is that certain points of view have become censored, banished, and wiped from our society and our online sphere. While the woke crowd can be as extreme as it wants, without any fear of reprisal, God-fearing Americans have been bloodied in the streets and tossed in jails for simply expressing a different opinion. This brings about a need for those who have been alienated. An urgent need to provide these folks with a life net or even just a basic means of survival. Folks’ abilities to earn a living, or even provide necessities for their own families have been hindered by a media and government that wants them destroyed.

“And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord will set His hand again the second time to recover the remnant of His people”

Isaiah 11:11

What They Do to Russia, They Have Planned For You:

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The Russo-Ukrainian War and the Dissident Church in America

by Boniface Option

In the last three weeks, since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began, the Globalist Regime has put its people under a deluge of propaganda. This is, of course, a change in intensity rather than kind. No one can forget the last anti-Russian propaganda ramp up during and after the 2016 Presidential Election. Just this week, Biden Press Secretary Jen Psaki, flippantly stated “and then in 2016, when [Russia], you know, of course, hacked our election here…” These people deliberately and fraudulently claimed that President Trump committed treason, colluding with Russia in order to get elected. They knew they were lying. And so did most people with even a modicum of suspicion. The Russia hysteria has been going on at least since 2007 when it became clear that Western banks and corporations were no longer going to be able to continue to exploit their erstwhile rival:

The Impending Population Collapse

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– The Most Serious Issue of our Time!

by Dan McKinley

An Article on Real Geopolitics, Substantive Sociology, and Evident Economics

This will make Covid look like a walk in the park!

Every neo-liberal global institution is fixated on limiting demographic growth. Environmentalism, Scientism, and Atheist Materialism have all been used in the last century to radically limit the expansion of Human propagation.

Since the 1960’s the number one goal of elite establishments has been to reduce the earth’s population.

From Advocate to Abolitionist:

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An Orthodox Christian’s Perspective on Abortion

by Brittany Witcoff

The leading cause of death in the United States – let alone the world – is not heart disease, lung cancer, alcoholism, or gun violence; it is the myriad methods of destruction of life in a mother’s womb collectively known as abortion. As I type this article nearly 100 babies are murdered before their first breath every hour in the US. That’s 286,034 souls lost since 2022 began and this number continues to increase. [1] That makes abortion a more violent killer than all wars fought throughout humanity’s history…combined. To paint this statistical atrocity with an even broader stroke, more than 73 million abortions are performed worldwide each year – this is likely an underestimate, however, as such a number has been reported by the WHO.[2]

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