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Matthew 24 and Revelation – Fulfilled in AD 70 or Future? Part 2

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by Michael Sullivan

Click here to read Part 1

Having pointed out the importance of interpreting Matthew 24 and the book of Revelation in developing long-term strategies against the New World Order and beyond, we now turn our attention to giving a proper exegesis/interpretation of Matthew 24 here in part 2.  This article will focus on the disciple’s question(s) and what “age” would come to an end in Jesus’ contemporary “this generation” (Mt. 24:3, 34).  This and how the general signs Jesus gave were not signs for our generation but were fulfilled prior to AD 70. 

The West is Burning

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By Michael Foster and Bnonn Tennant

Centuries ago, the walls of Jerusalem were broken down by Nebuchadnezzar, and its gates were burned with fire. When Nehemiah saw it, he wept. He wept because he knew that a city is protected by its walls, and guided by the men who sit in its gates. Jerusalem had neither. She had been reduced to a chaotic ash heap. “Then I said to them, ‘You see the bad situation we are in, that Jerusalem is desolate and its gates burned by fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem so that we will no longer be a reproach’” (Nehemiah 2:17).

How God’s Grace Saved Gab

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Every fall I try to take time to sit and reflect on how God has worked in my life over the past year to prepare myself for the most blessed Advent Season. This year in particular I am overwhelmed by the goodness and grace of God’s work in my life.

Despite the chaos, noise, and wickedness going on around me in this fallen world I have never in my life felt closer to God. The fruits of the Spirit are plenty and God’s Grace has overflowed my cup.

Remember, Remember the 3rd of November

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I have to say I’m pretty apathetic when it comes to political “victories” these days. After 2020, it’s tough to have faith in any elections in this country, even ones where we get a perceived “victory.” These people are all controlled and allowed to win for a reason. They get in and nothing ever changes, it just continues getting worse.

Gab’s Statement on President Trump’s Social Network

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