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Posts tagged as “American Christianity”

Hall of Men: A Toast to Bob Childress

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by Rhett Burns

The Hall of Men is a local fellowship of Christian men and sons in South Carolina who gather every other month to break bread and toast their heroes. We laud and remember the saints of old while extolling the grace of God with strength and zeal. We eat, we sing, we verbally spar. Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox men engage in vigorous, non-“lowest common denominator” ecumenism. After the meal, one brother gives a 15-minute speech in honor of a great saint, at the conclusion of which the men hoist their steins to heaven and cheer the work of God through that man’s life. Below is a recent Hall of Men toast given in honor Bob Childress, the Presbyterian mountain preacher whose story is told in the book The Man Who Moved a Mountain.

If you look around the walls, you’ll see photos of men who have been toasted here in years past. Great, honorable men. Many of them well-known. Lewis and Tolkien and Chesterton and more.

Tonight, we will toast a great man and honorable man. But not a well-known man.

Tonight, we toast Bob Childress. And in so doing, we will raise our glasses to obscurity. Unseen faithfulness. To the common man. To toughness and grit. To loyalty and love. We’ll toast to the power of the Gospel to turn the hardest men and the hardest hearts to Christ. To change the habits and history and culture of a particular place.

Christians Must Be Crazy

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by Fr. Zechariah Lynch

To get ahead one must have a crazy streak, in the good sense of the term. Depending on how you use this crazy streak, you can become either a saint or a hero. But if you are not helped and are led astray, you can also become a criminal. One who doesn’t have a crazy streak cannot become either a saint or a hero … Our heart must become foolhardy” St. Paisios the New of Mt. Athos.

Putting Down Roots: The XXIst Century Revival of the Catholic Land Movement

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by Maggie Zapp | Synergy Central FL Homestead

When Fr. McNabb published The Catholic Land Movement pamphlet in 1932, I have no doubt he had some inkling that something wicked this way comes. The Luddite riots first established a formal resistance to the inevitable march of technological progress and in many ways, Fr. McNabb picks up that flag once more in the Catholic Land Movement.

While the Luddites feared technological progress would ultimately take their jobs (and in the final outcome they are not wrong – automated robotics have taken over significant portions of the manufacturing process), our modern-day Luddism is founded on a resistance to both the overweening ambitions of globalist corporate oligarchs, combined with increased instances of poor health and autoimmune disease.

Blackpilled to Godpilled

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by Steven Pake

Or: How Returning To Church For the First Time in 25 Years Changed My Life
I grew up in the Catholic church, but fell away from the church after leaving home for college in 1996, and have never attended church as an adult. Despite having had baptism and doing the things a good Catholic ought to do, I never established a connection with God or the church. But I still tried to live a very moral life and weather the storms, until it all crashed down on me.

This is the story of my return to Faith, the Church, and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Is Russia fulfilling the Prophetic War of Gog and Magog?

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by Michael Sullivan

Well, here we go again – the 1970’s and early 1980’s TV “prophecy experts” are calling and they want their “Russia,” “Russia,” “Russia” newspaper eschatology back front and center because Russia is invading Ukraine and since Russia kind of sort of sounds like the “Rosh” of the Gog and Magog war in Ezekiel 38-39 and Revelation 19-20 – there you have it!  Even though John tells his first-century audience that Christ’s coming and this war were events that would “shortly” take place or “about to be” fulfilled (Rev. 1:1, 19YLT — 22:7, 10, 20) in the imminent war of the Romans and Jews, the religious con-artists can’t resist running the same scam again!  

Kingdom Nationalism

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Thy Kingdom Come

by Andrew Horval

One says, “Get out of here with your Christian globalism.”

Ah, and that is where you err dear antichrist!  Kingdom Nationalism is not of this world!

John 18:36 KJV — Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.

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