Last week I wrote about the unification of the American Populist movement and posited that God should be the center of the movement as the Creator that unites us. I’ve been obsessively thinking about unity lately, something that this country and indeed entire the Western world lacks.
Posts tagged as “gab”
It’s time to have a discussion about the future of the American Populist Movement. I’m not going to use the word “Republican” or “Democrat” because those words have become associated with spineless, gutless, sellout traitors who hate America and do not act in the interest of the American people.
When Gab first launched in August of 2016 we were immediately smeared by the legacy media. For the next four years, and even to this day, these corrupt and dishonest activists have pushed false and misleading information about the Gab community and about me personally.
Today Business Insider reached out to me and several others about QAnon. They are working on a major hit piece attacking everyone and anyone connected to the community of millions of great patriots who are seeking the truth outside of legacy media narratives.
I am publishing my response in full below for you to read. Enjoy!
Today we will be examining how Margi Murphy from The Telegraph operates. For a “journalist” Margi sure does need some basic grammar lessons, so we will see if we can help her out by correcting her work and then addressing her “questions.”
VICE decided to put out a hit piece on Gab today and like good “journalists” they didn’t even bother reaching out to us for comment.
“Reporting in live on this week’s episode of Color Revolution, from the Communist-controlled People’s Banana Republic of Pennsylvania it’s resident dissident wrong thinker, Andrew Torba!”
The following is my email exchange with the Jeff Bezos Amazon Washington Post in full:
Gab Community,
This week was Gab’s best performing week in our four year history. To give you an idea of just how fast we are growing: Gab was visited 7.7 million times in all of October (up 99% from September,) but this past week alone we’ve seen 7.15 million visits and growing. Hundreds of thousands of people are creating accounts on Gab this week and dozens of terabytes of data is flowing freely on Gab everyday to millions of people around the world.
The way people consume news and information is about to change forever in a big way. Once the truth of this election surfaces institutional media power will crumble to ash. No one will ever again believe anything the mainstream media reports. No one will ever again trust anything they see from Big Tech platforms. No one will ever again take any poll seriously.
Make no mistake about it: Fox News is the network of Paul Ryan. For over a year now Ryan has been gloating that he was going to use his position on Fox’s board to ‘do something’ about Trump. This wasn’t a secret to anyone who has been paying attention to Fox over the course of the past year. Day by day Fox News slowly became CNN lite and the lone network of dissent in a sea of leftist propaganda succumbed to the will of our corporate oligarchy.