A common belief in some American Evangelical circles (not all) is that the nation state of Israel is the Israel spoken about in the Bible, these are the “true Israelites” so therefore it must be supported at all costs, etc. But does that align with the Bible? Who really is Israel? And why? May God grace my words in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Posts tagged as “Orthodox Church”
The Birth of a New Religion, Part 4 by Archpriest John Whiteford For Part 1 see: The Pro-Abortion “Orthodox” (The Birth of a New Religion, Part…
The Birth of a New Religion, Part 3
For Part 1, see: The Pro-Abortion “Orthodox” (The Birth of a New Religion, Part 1)
For Part 2, see: The Pro LGBTQP “Orthodox” (The Birth of a New Religion, Part 2)

Renovationists are people who see that the Church is out of sync with the modern world, and rather than conclude that the world needs to repent and come into line with the teachings of the Church, instead assume that the Church is what needs to be fixed. To them, the solution to this problem is to make the Church more like the world, rather than to make the world more like the Church.
This article is a preview of Michael Witcoff’s upcoming book, scheduled to be published next year.
Let us analyze Jewish life in Christian Imperial Rome. More specifically, we will examine laws implemented by Royal Saints on the topic of Judaism from the rise of Emperor St. Constantine in the early 4th century to the 6th-century reign of Emperor St. Justinian. A brief introduction to the topic is necessary, as it’s not quite as simple as an Emperor’s decree taking immediate effect throughout the Roman Empire.
Among the many things we desire, an important one is a “place to belong.” With the fragmentation of the extended family, and so much else, a growing number of people are becoming acutely aware that they do not “belong” anywhere. Our highly franchised suburban world often has the strange effect that places separated by miles (even states), all look the same, have the same stores, the same restaurants, and an overall sameness that only accentuates the sense of alienation in that it “looks the same” but is “not ours.”
The Birth of a New Religion, Part 2
For Part 1, see The Pro-Abortion “Orthodox” (The Birth of a New Religion, Part 1)
The fact that today we have people openly promoting the LGBTQP agenda in the Orthodox Church is something that was unthinkable less than a dozen years ago. But here we are. They are a vocal minority to be sure, but like most leftists, they try to convince people that their opponents are the minority, and they are only motivated by hate.
The Birth of a New Religion, Part 1 by Archpriest John Whiteford In recent years, there are lines of division that not only show the…
Fr. Seraphim Rose has inspired millions around the world toward one end: the pursuit of Christ without compromise. From his humble monastery in the mountains of Northern California, this Orthodox Christian priest, monk, and missionary, penetrated the heart of ancient Christianity and drew his fellow Americans into Christ’s Church. Having submitted himself fully to Christ, he became a pathfinder for those seeking solid ground amidst the ever-shifting sands of our American Babylon. Fr. Seraphim traversed the philosophical and religious landscape, from Protestantism to agnosticism, Nietzsche, Watts, Guénon, Buddhism, Lao Tzu, and finally to Orthodoxy. Ultimately, he found that Truth is not merely ideas, philosophies, or even a way of being, but a Person: the Lord Jesus Christ.
An Orthodox Christian’s Perspective on Abortion
The leading cause of death in the United States – let alone the world – is not heart disease, lung cancer, alcoholism, or gun violence; it is the myriad methods of destruction of life in a mother’s womb collectively known as abortion. As I type this article nearly 100 babies are murdered before their first breath every hour in the US. That’s 286,034 souls lost since 2022 began and this number continues to increase. [1] That makes abortion a more violent killer than all wars fought throughout humanity’s history…combined. To paint this statistical atrocity with an even broader stroke, more than 73 million abortions are performed worldwide each year – this is likely an underestimate, however, as such a number has been reported by the WHO.[2]
In 1957 Julian Huxley, brother of Aldous Huxley, coined the term “Transhuman.”
Julian was a staunch evolutionist, eugenicist, and globalist; he was also the grandson of T.H. Huxley, a contemporary and proponent of Darwin and his theory of evolution. In basic, Julian believed that up until the modern area, humanity had hitherto naturally evolved by chance. Yet now before modern man stood the opportunity to take the reins from “natural selection,” humanity could guide its own evolutionary process. Of course, not all of humanity, only those who have been chosen by history to do so. This idea was not unique to Mr. Huxley. Others such as Jonas Salk, to name but one, also spoke in similar terms in his book “Survival of the Wisest.”
Westerners live in a corporation, not in nations. We have flags, but we have no idea who we are anymore. Vending Machine People have been transplanted from our homelands into the corporate plantations of the Anglosphere and rebranded by Empire to fit into the compartment of a machine that dispenses artificial identities for convenience. MTV ethnogenesis turned us all into Americans singing and dancing our way through the destruction of ethnos inside the Magic Kingdom. Corporations profit from artists trying to resolve their identity crisis in the Western ‘videodrome’. And thanks to Critical Race Theory, they are polarizing the world in the process. Solve et Coagula.