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Posts tagged as “parallel economy”

Putting Down Roots: The XXIst Century Revival of the Catholic Land Movement

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by Maggie Zapp | Synergy Central FL Homestead

When Fr. McNabb published The Catholic Land Movement pamphlet in 1932, I have no doubt he had some inkling that something wicked this way comes. The Luddite riots first established a formal resistance to the inevitable march of technological progress and in many ways, Fr. McNabb picks up that flag once more in the Catholic Land Movement.

While the Luddites feared technological progress would ultimately take their jobs (and in the final outcome they are not wrong – automated robotics have taken over significant portions of the manufacturing process), our modern-day Luddism is founded on a resistance to both the overweening ambitions of globalist corporate oligarchs, combined with increased instances of poor health and autoimmune disease.

The Next Big “Don’t Miss Out” Opportunity For Entrepreneurs

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by Beavs

The parallel economy is the most exciting opportunity for entrepreneurs since HTML and the dot-com boom. Some Americans have realized this, and have built their latest ventures on alternative tech in states that value freedom and prosperity. Others don’t see this massive gold mine of opportunity yet, dooming their businesses to the inherently rigged games hidden behind big tech infrastructure.

I’m writing this post today because I want more people to wake up to this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Forget all the politics, censorship, lies, and corruption with mainstream platforms for the moment, and think about building something that lasts in the parallel economy. Gab has already proven there to be a market for alternative technology, so ask yourself:

  • How can I play a vital part in this new movement?
  • What skills do I have that others would benefit from?
  • How can I impact others with similar values and beliefs?

By the end of this post, I hope you feel inspired to create solutions for our society and its problems, instead of just complaining about them as most people do. This is your sign.

You’re Doing Money All Wrong

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by Danielle Tate

You are a responsible, patriotic, God-fearing contributor to society. Unfortunately, you’ve been taught a lie about how to be responsible with money. You’re handing money all wrong and it shows. What if you could make one change and begin a transformation that will put you back in control and give less money to big-bank corporations?

Growing up, I knew two things about money:  Pay bills and put food on the table.  That was the cycle week after week, paycheck after paycheck. This was the cycle before I filed bankruptcy in 2002 and the cycle when my husband and I married in 2003. It continued for seven years and when things hit a wall it was obvious we had believed a huge lie about good intentions and responsibility.

This cycle is not just wrong, it is irresponsible. And if you’re paying bills and putting food on the table while swimming in a mound of big-bank pocket lining debts you’re not as responsible as you think. But there is hope…

2022: The Year The Parallel Economy Rises

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In 2021 we saw the unprecedented rise of medical tyranny, the abasement of the US dollar, and the beginnings of a new parallel Christian economy begin to form in response to this madness. Nearly a year ago back in February of 2021 I wrote about the need for us to build our own parallel economy. I spent the next ten months laying the groundwork for such a monumental task because I knew what was coming.

Christians: December 6th Was Your Wakeup Call About What Is Coming For Us All

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On December 6th Twitter banned thousands of accounts in their latest purge of dissenting thought on the doomed and failing platform. As a result saw thousands of new sign ups per hour and our traffic skyrocketed. When Twitter Purges, Gab Surges. While this is great news for the Gab community, it’s not great news for Christians. In fact, it’s a sign of what is soon to come which will be much worse than losing your Twitter account.

The Power Of The Powerless

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I recently finished reading what I believe to be the most important political essay of our time. It’s called The Power of the Powerless and it was written by Václav Havel, a political dissident in the Communist Czechoslovak Socialist Republic who went on to become the President of Czechoslovakia after the fall of the Communist Regime.

The Beginnings of a New Parallel Economy On Gab

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For the month of September we have been running an invite-only beta test of Gab Ads with hand-picked advertisers of all shapes and sizes. We tried our best to pick a wide variety of businesses and services that best reflect our community and represent a budding new parallel economy on Gab.

Our advertisers are newly established businesses, small business owners, well established businesses, politicians, a famous rock band, and a Christian crowdfunding site that is an alternative to GoFundMe to name a few.

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