YouTube is killing their DM system. They don’t want you communicating in “private” on their platform anymore. In fact, in an ideal world they don’t want you exchanging messages at all. They want you passively consuming videos and ads, all day long. Like a good consumer data slave. RIP YouTube messages.
Posts published by “Andrew Torba”
CEO of
Good news everyone. Big Tech is putting a stop to Kazakhstan spying! Bad news everyone. Big Tech isn’t putting a stop to their own spying on your inbox, web traffic, purchasing history, and more. Borat isn’t very happy and you shouldn’t be either.
The gang over at Twitter Inc thinks a student in the UK is a Chinese state actor disinformation bot. Incredible stuff. People underestimate just how often things like this are happening. Big tech is an absolute mess. Billions of dollars, thousands of the “brightest” engineering minds in the world, hundreds of human content moderators, and random students are being suspended for no reason.
Former Senator Jon Kyl conducted a review of potential anti-conservative bias at Facebook and found that conservatives were concerned about many different areas of bias in Facebook policies, products, and enforcement practices. The study interviewed 133 conservatives to gather their concerns and summarize them in a new report which was provided to Facebook.
“What’s on your mind?” is about to take on a whole new meaning. Facebook has been making their first strides with mind reading technology, but with all of their current privacy concerns in the news users should really be taking a closer look at this technology before it gets officially unveiled for use. Actually, you have to be insane to think, pun intended, that this is a good idea. You’d have to chain me down and drug me to plant this stupid device in my brain.
In November of 2018 Gab faced what would become a months-long smear campaign and one of the most coordinated no-platforming efforts in internet history. This followed after a mass shooter, who will not be named, allegedly took the lives of eleven innocent people and also happened to have an account on Gab as well as other social networks.
As you may or may not have heard, Gab is crushing it. Even VICE of all outlets admitted this earlier this week. Over the past six months we’ve been working diligently to make Gab more unstoppable, more decentralized, and most of all: more “user-friendly.”
Twitter is accepting ad dollars from the Communist Chinese State Media Agency Xinhua, Pinboard reports. As protestors fight for their fundamental human rights in the streets, Silicon Valley giants continue to put profit before principles in bowing to the Communist Chinese government in their attempt to discredit protestors in Hong Kong.
VICE reached out to me via email last week. Normally I’d pass on speaking with fake news outlets, but I was in the mood for some good banter with a dopey blogger.
Three years ago I was sitting in a coffee shop in San Francisco when I launched a new project called “Gab” into private beta testing. Months prior I had witnessed the rise in censorship happening across every social platform. It wasn’t just hearsay or a rumor, I was experiencing it first hand myself.
Zachary Vorhies, a Google insider, has gone public with leaked documents from Google. Project Veritas has the scoop which shows the dark side of Google. After Google issued a request for police to perform a “check up” on their insider as an intimidation tactic, this led Vorhies to leak the documents. Within these documents included evidence that Google was in fact trying to alter elections and treat conservative voices differently than those on the left.
A new bill has been proposed by Senator Josh Hawley which would limit the amount of time individuals could spend on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Gab. The legislation is called the “SMART-Act”, or Social Media Addiction Reduction Act in which Hawley is pushing to fight back against big tech, the way individuals focus spend their time on social media, and how private businesses can design their products. Ah just what I need, the government telling me how I can spend my time online. That’s a real solution folks!