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Posts published by “Andrew Isker”

Patient Reform in the Globalist American Empire

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

Republished in entirety from the Theopolis Institute

American Christians presently live in a world that is a mix of the Soviet Union, the Weimar Republic, Children of Men, and Idiocracy

You may think this is an overstatement but it is not. We are experiencing an intense acceleration of very long-term societal decline—economic prospects for young people are below what their grandparents enjoyed, public services which had been taken for granted are beginning to disappear, bridges are collapsing, highways are increasingly in disrepair, the ruling regime enjoys total authority of the lives of its subjects, it has locked them in their homes, shut down their businesses, closed their churches, and forced them to submit to medical experimentation to maintain employment. It has arrayed the full force of the security state against disfavored political figures, engaged in farcical election seasons of ballot harvesting in lieu of lawful elections, it has legally mandated that sodomy be celebrated as though it were holy matrimony. The insanity of transgenderism is treated by all our institutions as perfectly sane and licit, even to the extent that children are having their genitals mutilated by renowned physicians at our most revered medical institutions. All of this has happened so fast that you might not fully comprehend just how bad things really are.

Regime Evangelicals are Terrified of Christian Nationalism:

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The False Prophet of the Globalist American Empire Speaks

by Pastor Andrew Isker

One of the most influential leaders in American evangelicalism has signaled how terrified he is that Christian Nationalism is gaining ground among the very people he is supposed to represent. 

Russell Moore is one of the most influential leaders in institutional evangelical America. He was one of the top professors at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, influencing countless pastors in the largest denomination in the country, before becoming the head of that denomination’s lobbying group, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, before leaving that post and the denomination altogether to be the Editor-in-Chief of Christianity today.

Reversing Generational Destruction of the Family

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

In the upheaval that followed the tumult of 2020, one of the many things revealed was just how miserable modern life is. The rickety house of cards that is the post-war, consumerist way of life was shown to be both incredibly fragile and unsustainable as well as a radical departure from the natural, human way of life. God did not create us to have families comprised of income-earner 1, income-earner 2, and children farmed out to strangers with maximum economic efficiency. Such a way of life sounds much more like a Soviet dystopia than wholesome Americana. And the truth is that it is, and this is a truth that the shock of 2020 forced many people to recognize.

You Can’t Be A Christian Without Being A Christian Nationalist

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

Every propaganda outlet for the globalist regime is at DEFCON1 over Christian Nationalism. The multi-billion dollar propaganda machine that forms the alternative reality tens of millions live in has to have a public enemy number one. Sometimes it has been Russians “hacking” the 2016 election or “racist” police. Usually, the regime’s chosen public enemy has to do with whatever the current thing is. Now, after the United States Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, returning the abortion issue to the states, and with the uni-party’s desperate and transparent attempt to make Donald Trump ineligible to run in 2024 with their absurd January 6 hearings, the regime has now chosen a new bogeyman: Christian Nationalism.

The Old Testament Belongs to Christ and His People Alone

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Why There Can Never Be A “Judeo-Christian” Anything

by Pastor Andrew Isker

Within conservative circles, particularly among evangelicals in that court, it is not uncommon to hear the phrase “Judeo-Christian”. This expression often modifies something that pertains to the history or tradition of Christendom. Most people think nothing of it. They are familiar enough with the Bible to know that the Old Testament is about Israel and the Hebrews, and the New Testament is about Christ incarnating to Israel and going to all the nations. But the reality is that Christianity was not formed out of this thing called “Judaism.” Christianity is the true biblical religion, and Judaism is the religion formed after faithful Jews, and believing Gentiles, were united to Jesus Christ.

If Your Pastor Did Not Celebrate Roe Being Overturned, It Is Time To Find A New Church

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

On Friday, June 24th, an epochal change took place in American history: the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. If you are a churchgoing evangelical Christian who somehow had not heard about that before going to church Sunday, June 26th, a substantial percentage of you would have remained unaware that the most significant political and cultural change in half a century had taken place. Yes, many churches were totally silent about this massive victory won by the Lord Jesus Christ.

Christian Business Under Assault For Its Public Faith

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

A Christian-owned business is being viciously attacked for plans to hold an event about Christian engagement in politics. For the past several days, there has been a social media firestorm over a Christian-owned restaurant and brewery in Ephrata, Pennsylvania planning to host lectures on the founding of Pennsylvania as an explicitly Christian state and what that fact means for contemporary politics. The business’s social media erupted with a torrent of left-wing outrage. Other businesses have begun to refuse to serve the brewery’s popular beer. And local politicians are eager to do whatever they can to take this business down. This controversy is the most important story in Christendom right now because the question of whether small, Christian-owned businesses can exist and operate as Christian in public in America is being answered.

A Society That Worships Idols Gets What It Deserves

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

As the stock market is crashing, the economy is entering a recession, inflation is out of control, and gas prices in particular reach new historic highs daily, the singular goal of the occupying regime in Washington, D.C. is nationally televised hearings on the Mostly Peaceful Electoral Justice Protest on January 6, 2021.

The Price of Gas and Friend/Enemy Distinction

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

We are now back to a national average gas price of $5.00/gallon. This is a subject of serious concern for almost everyone. Conservatives will (rightly) point to the Biden Administration’s hostility toward domestic oil production and distribution as the primary cause of the growing crisis, yet struggle to frame the problem in terms other than “the naïveté of environmentalist policy.” While the American ruling class is indeed dominated by extremely stupid people, its environmentalism is not “oh whoops we accidentally made gas cost way too much, who could have predicted that!”

Men Without Chests

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The Cult of Safety Demands the Blood of Children

by Pastor Andrew Isker

It has now been more than a week since a godless psychopath murdered 19 children and two adults at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. The ruling regime has continued a full-court press to disarm the American people in the aftermath of the shooting. But as details of the attack continue to be released, it has become clear the very people who the regime says should be the only people with firearms, demonstrated a tremendous deficiency of courage.

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