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Posts published in “Big Tech”

Peter Thiel is Right About Atoms

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by David Gornoski

To save the West, we must rethink what an atom is. That’s my vision. So you can understand my disaffection when yet another catty, confused dallier attempted to capture venture capitalist Peter Thiel’s worldview for the dying establishment media, this time in The Atlantic story: “Peter Thiel is Taking a Break from Democracy.” The article by Barton Gellman attempts to explain Thiel’s recent renunciation of political donations as a result of being burned out by the lack of return politicians provide his vision to move America towards growth, particularly in, as Thiel calls it, the world of atoms. The article misses the bigger point Thiel makes about the dangers of stagnation in favor of catering to the Atlantic audience’s mirror-induced paranoias about Trump, fascism, and strange libertarian wealth lurking in the shadows to impose its will on the world. Make no mistake, most of the political world misunderstands Thiel’s critique of the West’s lack of innovation. This disinterest in the topic of atoms reveals how shallow politics is at solving any serious problems.

Marshall McLuhan’s War

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The Medium is the Weapon

by The Prudentialist

Since February 2022, Western minds have been exposed to a deluge of information, more data than any average individual can comprehend, let alone make sense of. Without taking serious time and processing efforts to draw a coherent narrative or to make sense of what’s going on, the War in Ukraine, the ongoing military presence in Syria, concerns over China and Taiwan and now the potentiality for escalation in Israel have left individuals scrambling for a lifeline that would help them make sense of what’s going on.

As the ongoing hostilities between the Israeli government and Hamas play out, once again did we see individuals, willingly or unwittingly share videos alleging be from the front, only for Twitter’s (now X) Community Notes function to kick in, and explain that the footage is actually from the Military Simulation Game Arma 3. Days later, footage had been tweeted about latest rocket attack and dead civilians only for Kiwi Farms to tell me that this had been footage from attacks back in 2014. People had their politics kept to the side, “just post news and verifiable footage, go somewhere else for shit-flinging.” I had paused in a moment in all the research and keeping up with what’s happening half-way around world and felt an odd sense of déjà vu.

The Technological Age Collapse

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By Pastor Andrew Isker

If you are even the slightest bit aware of what is happening to our country, you have probably said something like, “it can’t go on like this forever, eventually there is going to be a collapse.” From an economic perspective, you instinctively know that, eventually, you will run out of other people’s money. For decades now, you could tell how much a website’s audience was aware of reality and, therefore, how rightwing it is based on how many ads there were for disaster preparedness and food storage. For those with eyes to see, it is obvious that things are much more fragile than anyone wants to admit. 2020 was a peek behind that curtain for the few willing to look. Everyone with even the mildest rightward sensibilities knows things are in decline and our civilization, especially our standard of living, is on life support. It is not hard to see—if you are willing to see it.

Sinister Psychosis and the Remembrance of God

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by Fr. Zechariah Lynch

Originally published on July 21, 2022 at

The progress of technology had led and is still leading to just such a concentration and centralization of power” Aldous Huxley.

Take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and the cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man”

Luke 21:34-36

Foundational to Christian living is the remembrance of God. Remembrance while waking. Remembrance while at work. Remembrance while fulfilling the duties of life. Remembrance while going to sleep. The Christian must be cultivating the remembrance of God in all things. It need not be elaborate, the believer may offer this service in the inner chamber of the heart. He may offer it in solitude or while in the midst of a multitude.

Full Spectrum Data Surveillance, Transhumanism, and the Religion of the End

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by Fr. Zechariah Lynch

In 1957 Julian Huxley, brother of Aldous Huxley, coined the term “Transhuman.”

Julian was a staunch evolutionist, eugenicist, and globalist; he was also the grandson of T.H. Huxley, a contemporary and proponent of Darwin and his theory of evolution. In basic, Julian believed that up until the modern area, humanity had hitherto naturally evolved by chance. Yet now before modern man stood the opportunity to take the reins from “natural selection,” humanity could guide its own evolutionary process. Of course, not all of humanity, only those who have been chosen by history to do so. This idea was not unique to Mr. Huxley. Others such as Jonas Salk, to name but one, also spoke in similar terms in his book “Survival of the Wisest.”

How Big Tech’s Ministry of Truth Operates

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This week two incredible stories broke from real journalists who report uncomfortable truths that are of great importance to The People. The only problem is tens of millions of people won’t have any clue about these important stories, including many of our family and friends.

It’s not from lack of coverage or attention on the stories, but rather because Facebook and Twitter scrubbed the stories from the Big Tech internet and Big Media scrubbed them from the airwaves.

WAR: Facebook and Twitter Unleash Mass Censorship To Protect Biden Campaign

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Both Facebook and Twitter are censoring this NYPost article to help the Biden campaign. Facebook’s Comms person openly admitted that they were throttling the distribution of the article. Twitter is outright preventing anyone from sharing it.

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