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Posts published in “Free Speech”

Judge Issues Injunction To Protect Free Speech On Social Media Platforms

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While we were all enjoying the fireworks on the 4th of July a significant development that could have profound implications for the relationship between the government and social media platforms was unfolding in the courts. A federal judge has issued a preliminary injunction restraining key agencies and officials of the Biden administration from engaging with tech companies in matters related to the suppression of protected speech. This ruling was initiated in response to a lawsuit brought forth by Republican attorneys general from Louisiana and Missouri and marks a pivotal moment in the fight for free speech.

This legal action was prompted by allegations that government officials had overstepped their boundaries by urging social media platforms to address posts that could incite vaccine hesitancy during the COVID-19 pandemic or influence elections.

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic the battle for free speech intensified as governments and social media platforms grappled with the challenge of moderating content related to the origins of covid, the vaccine, masks, lockdowns, and other related information. While many platforms succumbed to the pressure to censor information at the behest of the government, one platform stood firm in its commitment to freedom of speech: Gab.

EXCLUSIVE: Congress Enlists GAO for “Domestic Extremist” Study on Social Media and Gaming Platforms

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Gab News can exclusively report that members of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security have requested that the Government Accountability Office (GAO) examine the utilization of social media and gaming platforms by “domestic extremists.”

Elon Musk’s Compliance with Turkish Censorship Demands: A Dangerous Precedent for Free Speech

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Recent events involving Twitter and Elon Musk complying with the Turkish government’s request to censor political content during their elections have raised concerns about the potential consequences for free speech.

Late Friday evening Twitter released a statement noting “In response to legal process and to ensure Twitter remains available to the people of Turkey, we have taken action to restrict access to some content in Turkey today.” On Saturday some journalists picked up on this statement and noted that “free speech” Twitter was complying with foreign government demands for censorship.

Ron DeSantis Flies To Israel To Destroy Free Speech In Florida

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This week Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida made a trip to Israel to sign HB 269, a bill that makes it a felony with up to five years in jail for passing out “offensive” flyers or pamphlets. This move has been widely criticized by free speech advocates and legal experts as a gross violation of the First Amendment. The bill states that anyone distributing “any material for the purpose of intimidating or threatening the owner” could be convicted of a felony “hate crime.” While we often write about the “hate speech” rules on Big Tech platforms, this is far worse. This is the state of Florida violating the First Amendment of the United States.

The Regime’s War To Make Memes Illegal

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

The Regime is currently trying to put a man behind bars for ten years for making memes. The most important First Amendment case of our lifetimes is taking place, and many have no idea it is even happening. 

United States v. Douglass Mackey began this week and is a major part of the Left’s war on free speech in America. Two days after Joe Biden took the oath of office, the Department of Justice charged Douglass Mackey with election interference for posting memes in 2016. Mackey is alleged to be the popular Twitter poster Ricky Vaughn, who shared memes instructing Hillary Clinton supporters to text in their vote rather than wait in line at their polling place.

Conservative Inc And The Deal With The Daily Wire Devil

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This week Steven Crowder made headlines for turning down a 50 million dollar term sheet offered by The Daily Wire. The term sheet, which would have forced Steven to sign over his email list, social media accounts, and revenue streams from his Mug Club, among other things from his life’s work, raised concerns about censorship and the gatekeeping of content creators by large conservative media companies and their owners.

The point of this article is to open your eyes to why your favorite conservative media outlets are not on our side and help you understand that they exist to keep you from discussing ideas that threaten the power of the Regime. These types of exploitative gatekeeping deals are not the outlier; they are the norm. Unlike most of the talking heads I have no gatekeeping contracts and thus can speak freely on these matters and tell you the unfortunate truth that you need to hear.

Damar Hamlin and Pursuing the Truth in The Empire of Lies

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by Pastor Andrew Isker

On Monday night, in the nationally televised game between the Bengals and the visiting Buffalo Bills, Bills safety Damar Hamlin was hit as he tackled Bengals receiver Tee Higgins. After the play, Hamlin popped up, adjusted his helmet, then suddenly collapsed backwards to the ground. First responders applied a defibrillator to Hamlin and then performed CPR for 9 minutes, as players from both teams gathered to pray for him. His heartbeat was restored and he was transported to a nearby hospital. 

It’s Time For a 10 Year Foreign Aid Moratorium

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This week the U.S. Senate overwhelmingly approved $40 billion in aid which will be sent to Ukraine. The Senate voted 86-11 in favor of the bill. It’s very rare for the Senate to be this united on a bill these days and yet a super majority of the people elected to represent us in the Senate voted to send $40 billion dollars of our money to a foreign country.

From 2013-2018 US taxpayers paid out over $300 billion dollars to foreign countries. In 2019 alone the US paid out over $47 billion in foreign aid with the top receivers being Israel, Afghanistan, Jordan, Egypt, and Iraq among others. This should put into perspective just how daunting the amount of money we are sending one country with the passing of this Ukraine aid bill, which is nearly as much as we spent total sending money to dozens of foreign countries in all of 2019.

Remember, Remember the 3rd of November

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I have to say I’m pretty apathetic when it comes to political “victories” these days. After 2020, it’s tough to have faith in any elections in this country, even ones where we get a perceived “victory.” These people are all controlled and allowed to win for a reason. They get in and nothing ever changes, it just continues getting worse.

Kingdom of God Economics

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Today I built a desk out of some lumber I picked up from the local yard this week. It’s a remarkable way to express myself and build incredibly useful furniture for around the house. I’m learning new skills, refining the art of carpentry, and getting some much needed time away from the chaos of our fallen world and the City of Man.

Made in USA by Christians ✝️