I am sitting up on a hillside in a camp chair on the land God has granted me. I am smelling one forest fire and gaze at the skeletons of trees from the last one. My hillside was burnt to the ground back in the 90s, and then again a few years later. Trees are made from nutrients pulled from the air, mostly, which is wild, and when they die and fall down, they make dirt. The opposed hillside in my valley is nothing but deadfall, there’s not even shrubbery. All of the dirt I see is essentially air turned into dead plants that turned into dirt.
Posts published in “Go And Build”
IF YOU’RE READING THIS, you’re probably an American that eats meat. If that’s the case, your meat is probably too simple. Or rather, the system that produced your meat is too simple. And this oversimplification causes serious problems for your health and our country’s soils.
Want to enjoy truly healthy meat? Embrace the simple complexity of pasture husbandry.
This may sound counterintuitive. Scripture tells us to live simply. The Righteous Job was a “simple” God-fearing, upright man, the type that the book of Proverbs exhorts us to be. So simplicity is good. Indeed, in all of Steadfast Provisions’ pemmican products, we aim for simplicity. Simple ingredients, processed in simple, traditional ways. But here’s the paradox: to live simply, we must embrace the complexity of God’s creation. Otherwise, things get very complicated, very fast.
There is a quiet storm wreaking havoc in the world of food and farming. Processing plants, warehouses, and refineries are burning down at suspicious rates. Two of the world’s largest producers of wheat (and fertilizer) are currently in a war with no end in sight. Countries like China are hoarding all the grain they can get, while western governments use environmental regulations to throttle farm production and raise prices.
At a time like this, we need prayerful repentance, first of all. Second, we need to cultivate our local networks of capable food producers. And third, we need to obtain truly mighty food. Food that’s ready for anything. This article is a quest to answer an ancient, but ever-relevant question:
What is the one food to rule them all?
As Christians, we know that “climate change” is obviously real. It’s so real that it can devastate entire nations in the span of a week. And the realest part of all is that climate change is anthropogenic: human-caused. But we also know that climate change has nothing to do with carbon dioxide.
In fact, climate change is not at all what the UN’s “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change” says it is. It isn’t caused by overpopulation, it isn’t caused by a “Greenhouse Effect,” and it doesn’t threaten humanity with extinction. We can tell that the entire mainstream narrative of climate change is demonic, because of its purpose: it is designed to trigger anxiety and fear. This narrative is in direct opposition to the Lord’s command to “Let not your hearts be troubled nor fearful.” (John 14:27)
At Gab our goal is to empower and inspire you to Go And Build, not only in the digital world but also in the physical world as well. Our philosophy has always been very simple: instead of wasting our time “fighting” the existing system, we must start anew and build our own systems which are grounded on the firm foundation of our faith in Jesus Christ and the sovereignty comes with that walk in faith.
– Opportunities for the Parallel Economy
by Jesse Dustin, of Heartland Goats
If anything has become clear over the last few years it is that certain points of view have become censored, banished, and wiped from our society and our online sphere. While the woke crowd can be as extreme as it wants, without any fear of reprisal, God-fearing Americans have been bloodied in the streets and tossed in jails for simply expressing a different opinion. This brings about a need for those who have been alienated. An urgent need to provide these folks with a life net or even just a basic means of survival. Folks’ abilities to earn a living, or even provide necessities for their own families have been hindered by a media and government that wants them destroyed.
“And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord will set His hand again the second time to recover the remnant of His people”
Isaiah 11:11
by David Mauro / Talking Jesus Doll
After raising 3 kids and realizing that none of their toys had any spiritual value, I had the idea for a Talking Jesus Doll. It would be a plush toy that says phrases that Jesus said in the Bible. It would be a tangible way to reach and teach children in their formative years about the love and lessons of Jesus Christ. I had this idea a couple of years ago, but I filed it away into the ‘good idea’ section of my brain – like so many others. Fun to dream about but just an idea…
by Maggie Zapp | Synergy Central FL Homestead
When Fr. McNabb published The Catholic Land Movement pamphlet in 1932, I have no doubt he had some inkling that something wicked this way comes. The Luddite riots first established a formal resistance to the inevitable march of technological progress and in many ways, Fr. McNabb picks up that flag once more in the Catholic Land Movement.
While the Luddites feared technological progress would ultimately take their jobs (and in the final outcome they are not wrong – automated robotics have taken over significant portions of the manufacturing process), our modern-day Luddism is founded on a resistance to both the overweening ambitions of globalist corporate oligarchs, combined with increased instances of poor health and autoimmune disease.
by Beavs
The parallel economy is the most exciting opportunity for entrepreneurs since HTML and the dot-com boom. Some Americans have realized this, and have built their latest ventures on alternative tech in states that value freedom and prosperity. Others don’t see this massive gold mine of opportunity yet, dooming their businesses to the inherently rigged games hidden behind big tech infrastructure.
I’m writing this post today because I want more people to wake up to this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Forget all the politics, censorship, lies, and corruption with mainstream platforms for the moment, and think about building something that lasts in the parallel economy. Gab has already proven there to be a market for alternative technology, so ask yourself:
- How can I play a vital part in this new movement?
- What skills do I have that others would benefit from?
- How can I impact others with similar values and beliefs?
By the end of this post, I hope you feel inspired to create solutions for our society and its problems, instead of just complaining about them as most people do. This is your sign.
Over the past five and half years Gab has been building infrastructure to ensure that free speech is preserved online for all people at all costs. Gab is no longer simply the “Twitter alternative,” we are the complete solution to all of Silicon Valley.
In the past 30 days alone we’ve had over 90 million visits to Gab, which is up from 70 million in November. That’s more than most of the “mainstream” news sites and that number is exploding in growth.
Look away from FEAR, past your OBSTACLES. Walk with CHRIST, in UNITY with others, and make a road that allows you to thrive in the SECURITY that demonstrates your hope is secure.
In our last article, we laid out examples and methods for stepping out into an alternative lifestyle, a variety of a parallel Christian society. These were tools that we used to successfully blaze a trail that is only beginning to be paved. We cannot be sure about you as the reader, but we were so content with mainstream American consumerism that we did not have the clarity to see that we only seemed to be fulfilled. Despite a myriad list of life struggles within this lifestyle, there was still this security that we now believe is lost to a growing number of us. This is the highs of our great culture and Western society, those that supported our empty pursuit of happiness. This is no longer the case, with a major factor being our head-first dive into ever more reliance on Big-Tech structures at the turn of the century.
There’s been an explosion in the popularity of homeschooling over the last two years. Here’s why, and how you can get started with homeschooling
American life has changed a lot in the last two years since COVID-19 quarantines began. Two of the biggest changes are the number of Americans who now work remotely, and the number of families homeschooling. The move toward homeschooling is a response to COVID-19 as well as dissatisfaction with the public school system. In the spring of 2021, The U.S. Census Bureau conducted a survey of American households with school-age children. The survey found that 5.4% were homeschooling. This meant twice as many people were homeschooling compared to before the pandemic. When the survey was repeated just six months later in the fall of 2021, the number of homeschoolers jumped to 11.1%. [1]