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Living on Purpose

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by Nathan & Kim Lawson

What do we mean by that? It’s simple, really. While the rest of the world lives in fear and chaos, we refuse to participate and have intentionally chosen a different path. We are Christians raising children by leading them in a life that desires closeness with God. We both believe strongly in a lifestyle that exists in a parallel Christian society. We do this by being leaders of homeschool communities, attending church regularly, being in a small group, seeking entrepreneurial opportunities for ourselves and our kids, and sharing the truth about the world around us and the gospel to those in our “Judea”. We also are very open with demonstrating how a Christian family lives in the 21st century with our show – as people who live in the world but are not of it. While the rest of the world flails around in confusion and reactivity, we have adopted the theme: On Purpose. We live our lives with a purpose and for a purpose. We are, “Lawsons On Purpose”.

Big Tech Rings In The New Year With Censorship

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Twitter banned Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene this morning. Thankfully Congresswoman Greene was smarter than many of her colleagues because she got on Gab over a year ago and built up a tremendous following over hundreds of thousands of people. Her ban from Twitter should come as no surprise. Once Twitter crossed the rubicon and banned a sitting President there was nothing stopping them from banning each and every Republican from the platform without thinking twice.

While everyone is distracted by New Years celebrations Silicon Valley is working overtime on the behalf of the Regime to ramp up censorship ahead of the 2022 election cycle. The Regime puppets on both the left and the right know their power is in trouble. They will continue to silence any true America First candidates who seek to represent The People. It’s well beyond time to wake up and stop using these platforms before they force you to do so.

2022: The Year The Parallel Economy Rises

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In 2021 we saw the unprecedented rise of medical tyranny, the abasement of the US dollar, and the beginnings of a new parallel Christian economy begin to form in response to this madness. Nearly a year ago back in February of 2021 I wrote about the need for us to build our own parallel economy. I spent the next ten months laying the groundwork for such a monumental task because I knew what was coming.

You Must Suffer

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by Roosh V.

One of the most difficult topics concerning Christianity is suffering. Lord Jesus Christ called us to pick up and carry our cross while not being of the world, but how much suffering is too much? Should we attempt to alleviate our suffering or embrace it? From my short two-year walk with Christ, I have noticed that experiencing any kind of suffering seems to increase my faith rather than decrease it. Therefore I must conclude that suffering is a gift from God to preserve our salvation.

Great Men Of Christ: St. John Chrysostom

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by Michael Witcoff

In my last article, I described three aspects of what it means to be a Christian man: proper appearance, proper conduct, and proper obedience. The first item, proper appearance, is relatively straightforward: do your best to look like a man and not like a woman or child. That article contained helpful guidelines from the Scriptures and the Saints. The last item, proper obedience, is significantly more complicated; it takes a great degree of discernment and an entire lifetime to truly cultivate.

Christmas Isn’t Pagan – Refuting Four Common Objections

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by The Uncreated Light

This article was originally published here

With Christmas approaching I’d like to tackle the false notion that Christmas is a pagan holiday that Christians shouldn’t celebrate or engage in. This belief is frequent in some fringe Protestant groups, Atheists, as well as the Hebrew Israelite movement, but the place that popularized it the most is a film called Zeitgeist. I also seek the explore how we got some of the Christmas customs such as cutting down the tree, etc. May my words be edifying and in truth to the best of my ability. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

African Americans Must Look to Orthodoxy for Peace in a Violent America

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by Kaleb of Atlanta

This article was originally published here

Glory to Jesus Christ!

One could see that phrase today and think “How can he be rejoicing? This nation is falling apart! There are riots and a plague, and nothing is being done to combat racism in this country!”

Perhaps they are right, perhaps the nation is falling apart, and yet still we glorify our Great God and Saviour Jesus Christ, the one who calms the riots (Php 2:10) and heals the plague (Mt 8:4). But what about the healing of race relations?

A Biblical Response to Varieties of Zionism – Part 1

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by Michael Sullivan


In this series of articles, we will turn our attention to answering very important theological and political questions regarding modern Israel.  Is modern Israel Biblical Israel and does she have any prophetic significance today?  Should modern Jews be considered “God’s people” having some divine right to steal, kill and conquer in the middle east according to the OT and NT?  Were all of the “in the land” promises fulfilled in the OT and were they typological of being fulfilled spiritually “in Christ” today in the new covenant age?  Are most modern Jews today in Israel biologically related to Abraham?  And if modern Israel does not fulfill the land promises in the Bible, then when and how were these prophecies fulfilled?  Was 1948 a miraculous gathering of biblical Jews into land or simply an ungodly Talmudic Zionist Rothschild project? 

Remembering the Reason for Christmas: Cosmic Implications of the Incarnation

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by JY Lewis

It is usual for the Christmas season to be a joyous occasion filled with so much to appreciate. At the same time, there is a consistent and often predictable amount of voices whose sole purpose is to cause chaos and discord during these Holiest days we Christians celebrate. Of course, this happens every Christian holiday or feast, but it often comes to a fever pitch around Christmas.

We as Christians are bombarded with constant horrible and false arguments claiming various Christmas traditions are pagan or that Christmas itself or Christ himself is just a hodgepodge of pagan practices with a Jewish spin. I’m sure you’ve all had these familiar arguments With someone you know.

While I think it is useful to combat these tired statements and arguments others have done a far more thorough job than I ever could so I decided it would be best to focus on an entirely different aspect we often lose sight of in the wake of these constant demonic attacks on our faith. That Christ became Incarnate in the flesh. So let’s reflect on this for a moment.

Christmas Meditations: Jewish Expectations of a Divine Eternal Messiah – Part 2

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Coming Upon the Clouds of Heaven in Judgment (Dan. 7:13-14; Mal. 3-4)

by Michael Sullivan

Click here for part 1


In Part 1 of our series, we looked at the modern Zionist or “Jewish” objection to Christianity around this time of year (Christmas) – “the OT nor Jewish tradition teaches the concept of a Messiah that is divine or has eternal origins.  Christianity is purely made-up religion completely foreign to Jewish thought and theology.”  We of course were able to demonstrate that Jews indeed expected a divine Messiah from Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 9:6-7 and Micah 5:2. 

Here in Part 2, we continue demonstrating the Jewish expectation in a divine eternal Messiah, except now we turn our attention to Second Coming passages.  Here we encounter another “Jewish” objection on the alleged failure of Jesus to come upon the clouds of heaven in His contemporary generation:

Christmas Meditations: Jewish Expectations of a Divine Incarnate Messiah – Part 1

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(Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 9:6-7 and Micah 5:2)

by Michael Sullivan


Many Christians do not celebrate Christmas viewing it as a pagan Roman Catholic holiday while others do but focus on celebrating the incarnation of the God-man – Jesus Christ instead of talking about Santa Claus.  Many modern Jews around this time of year scoff at Christians for holding the doctrine of the incarnation or teaching that the Messiah is divine having eternal origins.  They insist that Christians have “invented their own religion separated from the OT Scriptures and Jewish traditions.”  They insist that they have taught all along that Messiah is to be a mere man.  Is this true? 

They also mock Christians for ignoring that Jesus taught His Second Coming would take place in the first-century generation (Mt. 10:22-23; Mt. 16:27-28 and Mt. 24:27-34) and therefore, was a false prophet.  Space forbids a detailed dive into these subjects, but we can begin to scratch the surface by addressing some key texts and what Jewish tradition has taught concerning the eternal origins of the Messiah and Jesus’ claims.    

The complexity of the God-head existed in the OT before we even reach the NT and the Christian view of the Trinity emerges.  If the Scriptures said that no one could see God and live (cf. Ex. 33:20), how is it that these same Scriptures taught that people saw Him on the earth (and didn’t die) while at the same time He sat enthroned in heaven running the universe?  Didn’t God come in human form, even talking and eating with Abraham, wrestling with Jacob, and leading the armies of Israel?  How was God in heaven seated on His throne ruling the universe while at the same time being in the form of a man doing all of these things?  The Jews debated and struggled over these issues.    

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